He was considered Russian Ronaldo and wanted Pep – and he lost everything. This is what ruined incredible talent from CSKA
The fate of Svyatoslav Georgievsky. “He was considered cooler than Golovin”, “Mad Talent”, “Crazy Data”, “The Best Academy of CSKA” – perhaps they did not talk about any young army in such tones more often than about Svyatoslav George.RIA Novostivyatoslav Georgievsky – in the centers of the Muscovite and a year older than Golovin. In the youth of CSKA, they formed a trio with Maxim Martusevich in the center of the field. Svyatoslav proved himself so that he attracted attention from Europe even earlier than the current star of Monaco. They say that the rental of Georgievsky considered Feyenoord, and Guardiola, according to the Championship, advised to sign talents in Bavaria.Getty images “Holy guy is smart, studied well,” recalled the director of the CSKA Academy Oleg Kornaukhov. -The head is bright not only in the football. A technical boy who is non -standard thinking. Perhaps somewhere there was not enough physical condition, but this is a profit. Georgievsky was not engaged in nonsense. There was never a stupid moments for him – the story was not about him. ”He scored 33 goals for the youth team of CSKA. The head of the team, Alexander Grishin, called Georgievsky a non -standard, very gifted football player with incredible technology and obvious talent. “For three or four games I saw a super-talent in him,” said Nar Tiknizyan in a conversation with another former CSKA football player Alexander Makarov.
Evgeny Semenov, Sport24 on the memoirs of the pupil of CSKA, now the goalkeeper of the Portuguese Famalican Ivan Zlobin, Svyatoslav knew how to: “The ball to the ball, give the gear with a heel, and score. As I understand it, he was entitled to great hopes. Holy was like a head-technical, cold-blooded. ”“ For children it was, one might say, Ronaldo, ”Maxim Dyukov, a former chef of CSKA, told the journalist Artyom Terentyev. – According to the qualities, in terms of effectiveness and according to the episodes that he showed. When you look at the game from the rostrum, in the process there are, as it seems, logical options for continuation, but Georgievsky made such non -standard decisions that were both super -fast and often asshole, and at the same time, a simple spectator and even a coach in his head did not arise. ” According to Sergei Yuran, Georgievsky was quoted even higher than Alexander. Svyatoslav caught the eye of the coach at the CSKA school – the son of Yuran Artem was engaged there – and he really liked the “crazy work with the ball”: “Georgievsky in the young men generally entered the symbolic team of Europe. CSKA then showed himself well in the Champions Youth League. ” Yuran did not embellish: in six matches of autumn 2013, he shot five goals. And the defenders of Manchester City, as Sport24 told the former Scout of CSKA Anton Chistyakov, actively checked between the legs. The sequence department of CSKA developed for Svyatoslav options to continue his career in Europe. “Of course, we would easily find options in FNL and PFL. However, based on the player’s game model and football development, we believe that it will correctly send him to a foreign club. At the moment, we have two specific options for Georgievsky, ”Oleg Yarovinsky reported in 2014, the boss of the department. Adding: CSKA himself “very counted” on Svyatoslav. But for his main team, Georgievsky played only once – in the Cup of Russia. The midfielder was not satisfied with the understudy salary – 50 thousand rubles – and the distrust of Slutsky, who believed in Natho, Eremenko, Toshic and other stars. And the last chance to prove himself in front of his eyes-at the winter training camps in 2015-tore off the injury. For a long time before the 20th anniversary, Georgievsky tore off the Kuban. Although the coach Grishin advised not to rush and stay for another year or at least six months. “You need to get at the right time, to the right coach and in the right team. Svyatoslav did not grow together, ”Grishin argued in an interview with Denis Romantsov.
PFC-CSKA.comureran said that the agent was taken to Krasnodar Georgievsky-and even set him as an example, Edgar Sevikyan, who was eager from Paris NN to Ferencvarosh: “The agent received his money, and Svyatoslav in the“ Kuban ”25th midfielder became. Sorry for the guy. ” Grishin also said that the agent was in a hurry to exit from CSKA. At the same time, the “Championship” wrote that his father advised “Kuban” to Georgievsky. In favor of this version, in an interview with Sport24, Scout Chistyakov also spoke: “This is the case when there was no right person nearby. The interests of Georgievsky were represented by his father – and put forward inadequate conditions when it was time to sign an adult contract. CSKA has a clear ladder for young people – and here: “I want a million. Straightaway”. He doesn’t hit the club’s policy. ““ In CSKA for many years there was a ceiling of salaries, a certain system. At least for the whole time that I worked, only one young promising player extended the contract – Svyatoslav Georgievsky, ”said Yarovinsky. Za Kuban Georgievsky spent only seven matches. Yuran regrets that the midfielder did not stay in Krasnodar: “The agent took him to Anji, and there are all these megazvets. In Makhachkala, Svyatoslav practically did not play at all. Then I stayed in Samara-and that’s all, went along the inclined. ”Anji-2016/17 megazvets-apparently, is Punshiluk, Yakovlev, Tigiev, a pupil of Ajax, Ebesilio and ex-Vinger Manchester United. In the September match with the Urals, Georgievsky gave him the hot, and in the next round brought with Zenit: he again noted the assistant and earned a penalty. In “Anji” they believed – Svyatoslav will still grow to the Russian national team. But instead of it – and the truth is the road along the inclined. In 2019, it came to the point that Georgievsky contacted Artem Yuran and asked to view the Zorkiy-a club with the most modest budget in the Center Zone PFL, then headed by Sergei Yuran. He was so amazed that he asked his son: “This is the same Georgievsky who was in CSKA?” “The second league is not his level, it is obvious,” the coach reasoned. – I think he could now play CSKA, after the old generation gathering. Technique, work with the ball, a vision of the field, stroke-everything is still with him. Maybe the trainer did not meet his own. Georgievsky is a specific football player. He is good in an attack, smart, can give a burning gear, score. It is not necessary to demand from him at the fifth point to ride – you need to focus on strong qualities. ”Yuran added another characteristic:“ A little lazy. ” In an interview with Sport24, Alexander Makarov agrees with her. He was to play in CSKA and somewhere else was prevented by severe injuries-now Makarov is training children in “Chertanovo.” “Georgievsky-it was an incredible football player! He decided the outcome of the match alone. Give him a pass-and he winds up two or three, gives it to empty or puts it himself. He did not play only because of his character. The holy had to be forced to do at least some work. He was all too lazy. He shone in his mood, ”says Makarov (Read the full version of his interview soon on Sport24). Yuran believed that Georgievsky would still return to the previous level. Unfortunately, this did not happen. From Krasnogorsk, Yuran took Svyatoslav to Khimki, and then to SKA-Khabarovsk-in both clubs, Havbek spent only six months. Then – a year in Novosibirsk, outputs in the Medialig for Goats and Roma and Return to Zorny.
YouTube.com Remember Maxim Martusevich, who collaborated in CSKA's double with St. George and Golovin? When Svyatoslav moved to Kuban, Martusevich waved to Yavor from the High League of Serbia, later played in the Portuguese Lyria and Visel and – along with Georgievsky – in three teams of Yuran. For Khimki, he even completely played the final of the Russian Cup against Zenit (Svyatoslav spent it in reserve). Maxim also got into a popular public 433 twice-for a beautiful assistant on a goal in the spirit of Robin Van Persi at the 2014 World Cup and for impudent simulation in Khabarovsk. Now Martuseviich is playing in the Medialig for 2Drots and recently took a loan of 420 thousand rubles to pay for the operation on the knee. However, the President of the Club Necrat assured: the club will ultimately cover expenses.
@Martusevich24Maxim Martusevich “He who is smarter, listens, comes to it some points, and he makes less mistakes,” thought Oleg Kornaukhov. “But much also reached us when we became adults.” There is an amazing example of the CSKA team born in 1995. We had one of the most talented players of our school in my memory of St. George, was Max Martusevich, everyone had huge ambitions. But there was the glory of Karavaev, who was silent, did not say anything, worked, puffed, listened. And he was moving to the level of the Russian national team. ”