Amazon, it's probably not something … USB download will not be and what will you do to us?

Amazon, whether we want this or not, the largest bookstore on this planet, which I personally praised many times for the speed and prices of film and play packages is not a giant for no reason. You stay on your back. Most often their own employees, but not about the clearly documented embankments that Amazon is talking today. It is thick, because it turns out that all the books we buy them will not be ours. Read in general, but this is an important piece of text. In this text, which no one wants to explain from Legali to Polish, sometimes there are such flowers that the fly does not sit down. And Amazon, following the example of other, previously enlightened (including Ubisoft, which of course came out for good Hue Hue) came up with the idea to rummage. And he dug out, basically three things worth attention.Kindle Paperwhite / photo: Amazonkindle, as a device is known and liked. For a reason. As one of the first (if not the first) device equipped with a screen made in E-INK technology, simulating paper and not killing us with backlight, had the opportunity to connect to the network and download, on the already freshly purchased books. That it would not be purchased and kept on their own, long ago paid, the device. You could, of course, read on the internet, because like connected to the network, he sucks what he needs on a regular basis, but if someone went on, such holidays, for example, to Parzęcin, to grandmother, where the internet and news about him were passed on Only in oral folk messages, this download was useful.

And Amazon said that there would be no download

Why? When you go crazy, it's rich. All in all, this is not bad, because in the era of wide -angle internet, which works almost everywhere in full opening … Well. Because while the first thing, i.e. turning off the possibility of downloading is burdensome, but not strange nowadays (although in my not so modest opinion, it should be considered strange) is quite serious implications. Well. As it turns out, we are not now, attention, We are not the owners of the book we bought, but we only get access to it. It turns out that you have to get used to the fact that nothing is ours. It's a bit like a flat in a block of large slab. Apparently yours, but the cooperative every month sucks money and spends it, like a wife, to unmistakable things. Well, on February 26, i.e. in total in a few days, as at the date of this text. What does this mean for the end customer? The fact that even if you buy a book, legally, you have it on Kindl, or other device on which it can be used, you cannot move your legally purchased e-book to another, your own, previously paid device. Why? Because no. Because you are not the owner of something you bought, but only the owner of the use license, in the conditions specified by Eula mentioned earlier.Kindle, Download and Transfer via USBKindle, Download and transfer via USB / photo: The Vergeja I understand DRM. Really. Piracy, whether books or movies is a really serious matter and there is nothing to pinch, most often after a population they get not such giants as Amazon, but this gray beetle author who was supposed to drip, not drip. Former books with books had their security, which, let's not charm, were so easy to break that there is nothing to talk about, but what about new ones? It turns out that New books have much more advanced security And they do not allow anyone to make a copy as soon as they dream of reading without access to the Internet. Fold one with the other and it turns out that Amazon, proudly flexing the digital breast, as the largest bookstore turns into the largest digital library. And this is not so normal, but as yours was. With problems and strange addiction to your money. You are not the owner and you will enjoy this plebs. At least that's what I see it. It is a pity that for the sake of their own Kabza, they punished their own honest customers. How do we have a grandfather who wants to read wherever he wants and suddenly can't, what? For nothing he was convinced that he bought, and here it turned out that he did not buy?

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This is a heavy topic, because the option “You don't have and enjoy” is nothing new in various industries

I do not know who initiated this stupid fashion, but I suspect that it has spread like a chain on Facebook, and the only medicine I see for it is a portfolio voting and a boycott of this type of play. Just because they are inconsistency. And I know, yes I know, the customer is not a holy cow and for some concessions must also be prepared, but it is quite enough. And this is not the funniest in this whole story. As I mentioned earlier, Amazon came up with three things, and for now I described only two. First, DRM, a new format and there is no apologize. Secondly, no downloading files and no, defend you all sanctuary, to send a fry on your home computer, because not and end. The third – the funniest. Amazon came up with that “bought” (and here quotation marks is not accidental) by you books, since they are not your property, he will edit at your own discretion. Funny? Not at all. Some time ago the scandal broke out that the book was killed from accounts. Ironically – 1984 George Orwell. The fact that they gave away the money, but no one could write a better joke except reality. I don't hurt my head hat there too often, but the translation that the publishing error somehow came to me on average.Kindle BooksKindle Books / photo: Amazonmało. Not enough for them that they can delete books from your account when they want They can note the books that have already been writtencorrected, redemption, issued and bought. And there is a whole list of items on the web, in which it is mixed up only because, for example, the language used in the content, he bit with the present political correctness. For example, Roald Dahl took and censored. Even great newspapers once wrote about it.

I don't know about you, but I'm outraged. If it is not censorship, I don't know what it is. However, it turns out that Amazon did not do anything illegal, because we were picking up calmly “and agree”.

But what are you clinging to? I got a lifetime access guarantee, hey. I will answer this with only one question: “For sure?” Because lifetime in Legali sounds extremely similar to Polish, but it does not mean the same. Most often, with what I have encountered, we are talking about several years of access on the supported device. And you don't have to look far (I mean Apple) to find examples that the device supported tomorrow will not be supported tomorrow.

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What conclusion can you draw from it?

Well, as it appears in many texts, even on this page, as part of how they smoke. Here too. There used to be reading books, at least for me, a stepping stone from gloomy reality. Man bought this PDF, because he did not take a place, sat down to a computer, or a telephone or tablet, or anything and just read. Now? Now it will be different. Now you will have to get used to the fact that I am not the owner of the book, but only a “rental”. And while being broken by a librarian can be a wet dream for many, here I don't think it will be fun. What in such a situation? Pirate? I don't know. I do not urge, but I am slowly starting to understand more and more. In the meantime, I will look around after Ikeło's promotions for a new bookcase for physical books. Nobody will prescribe how they stand at my home, on my own as they are – paid shelf. Source: The Verge, GoodEReader, Telegraph

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