Online psychological therapy: is it effective?
A few days ago it was celebrated world mental health day, a very important date to give visibility to something...
Fit pancakes, easy and fast
If you are one of ours, you will also like the basic ones... Those that never fail and that no...
8 Tips to take care of mental health
Today is the world mental health day and we cannot miss the opportunity to remind you of the importance of...
What is self-compassion?
Throughout life it is normal to go through different stages, some more pleasant and others less, in order to evolve...
Tips to increase well-being
Enjoying a good quality of life is a fortune that has a lot to do with our ability to integrate...
Meet goals in autumn, a time of transformation
Throughout the year we go through different seasons and each of them awakens emotions within us. It is true that...
Are there good processes? We tell you!
Currently there is more and more information about the world of nutrition and we know how important it is when...
5 Changes to improve your lifestyle
Increasing well-being and adopting habits that make you feel better, and help you fulfill your goals, is not something that...
Wrap with avocado and lentils, delicious!
If you fancy a quick and super tasty meal, you can't miss this recipe. It is prepared in a moment...
Sedentarism at work: how to combat it?
There is a reality and it is that, in most cases, work covers a large part of our lives. What...