Which Disney Princess You Should Avoid According To Zodiac Sign

Disney princesses are recognized around the world thanks to the movies they starred in. Many generations remember them or have them as icons of their popular culture. It is inevitable to feel represented with some of them because of their stories and different personalities. Their characteristics and qualities can represent different values. Although they are loved by many, some people do not tolerate any of these characters. The Sun in the birth chart marks the personality of each individual. This planet influences people’s tastes and needs. Each zodiac sign has its strengths and weaknesses, as well as its preferences. From these, it is possible to know the compatibility between two people or if they like each other.


This Disney princess is rebellious and independent. Does not like to follow orders or rules and goes his own way. Pocahontas is kind and tries to figure things out for herself.The indomitability of Pocahontas would displease an Aries person, used to taking control These characteristics are not to the liking of Aries people, since seek to lead at all times. When meeting this character, they may be angry at your indifference and individualismThey won’t be able to tell you what to do.

Taurus – Rapunzel

In the movie Enchanted, the young protagonist longs to leave the tower in which she finds herself and travel the world. Feel a curiosity for the unknown and seek to discover itdespite the fact that it leads her to face her evil mother. Contrary to Taurus people, Rapunzel has no longing to stay at home.Rapunzel, focused on getting out of her house at all costs, contrasts with the homely characteristics of Taurus people Rapunzel, focused on getting out of her house at all costs, contrasts with the homely characteristics of Taurus people

Gemini – Elsa

The queen of Arendelle in Frozen is a reserved person. Yes ok has a friendly and colloquial character with everyone, does not trust others easily. She feels comfortable when she is alone, a characteristic that Gemini people will not like, since those born under this sign of the Air element are very sociable.Princess Elsa is reserved, something that will not go down well with the sociable Gemini people Princess Elsa is reserved, something that will not go down well with the sociable people of Gemini DISNEY

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Cancer – Merida

The protagonist of the film Valiente is a bold and independent young woman. Mérida does not share the same wishes as her mother, since she does not want to marry and create a family.. She is passionate about exploring the forest, practicing bow and arrow and feeling free. these qualities are not compatible with cancer peoplewho tend to be more traditional.Princess Mérida de Valiente escapes what is imposed by tradition, which instead is usually followed by Cancer people Princess Mérida de Valiente escapes what is imposed by tradition, which instead is usually followed by Cancer people


Tiana is a very hard-working young woman. The protagonist of The Princess and the Frog dedicates his time to his professional life in order to raise the money necessary to found the restaurant that his father wanted. His generous personality and unconcerned about the recognition of others contrasts with the extroversion of Leo people..Princess Tiana's lack of concern for recognition contrasts with the desire for attention with which Leo people livePrincess Tiana’s lack of concern for recognition contrasts with the desire for attention with which Leo people live

Virgo – Jasmine

In the movie Aladdin, Jasmine is not an ordinary princess. He is not interested in material goods and recognition for his royal title. She is a young woman who wants to be free and live outside the rules of royalty. Their acts of rebellion will not be to the liking of Virgo peoplewho stand out for respecting the imposed rules.The rebelliousness of Princess Jasmine contrasts with the neatness of Virgo people Princess Jasmine’s Rebelliousness Contrasts the Neatness of Virgo People Courtesy of Disney

Libra – Moana

Moana is torn between following the rules of her father, the chief of Motu Nui, and following her instincts. In an act of impulsiveness, motivated by her desires, she decides to leave her home to discover new realities. This rebellious attitude is not compatible with the stable personality of Librans..Moana, a princess who, due to her breakdown of the established order, contrasts with the search for balance that directs the people of Libra Moana, a princess who, due to her breakdown of the established order, contrasts with the search for balance that directs the people of Libra courtesy Disney

Scorpio – Snow White

The protagonist of this almost century-old film is a quiet and quite submissive woman, even his voice is not known. Unlike Scorpio people, Snow White is naive and trusts others too much.an attitude that leads her to put her life at risk.Snow White is naive, which marks a fundamental difference with the distrustful Scorpio people. Snow White is naive, which marks a fundamental difference with the distrustful people of Scorpio File

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Sagittarius – Belle

Sagittarius people are adventurous and like sports or outdoor activities. Contrary to this, the protagonist of Beauty and the Beast is a young intellectual who spends her time reading countless books. This character is calm and has a kind spirit with everyone.Bella spends her time reading at home, something that contrasts with the adventurous spirit of Scorpio people.Bella spends her time reading at home, something that contrasts with the adventurous spirit of Scorpio people.

Capricorn – Mulan

In his movie, Mulan decides to break the rules to become a soldier and fight those who threaten her land.. She is a woman of great courage who always gets into trouble, even though this is not her intention. Capricorn people are not compatible with this character since they always adapt to the rules.Capricorn people, unlike Princess Mulan, would never break the rules imposed by society. Capricorn people, unlike Princess Mulan, would never break the rules imposed by society.

Aquarius – Cinderella

Aquarius people are the most misunderstood of the zodiac. Their personality is creative and unusual, they always stand out for being different from others. Contrary to this, Cinderella is a woman with traditional thoughts about life, who even wants to get her ideal prince.The traditionalism of Cinderella, whose story revolves around marriage, will not connect with the people of Aquarius, who are disruptive by nature.The traditionalism of Cinderella, whose story revolves around marriage, will not connect with the people of Aquarius, disruptive by natureArchive

Pisces – Ariel

The Little Mermaid is a film that shows the life of Ariel, daughter of the King of the Sea.She wants to find out what is on the mainland, getting away from her friends. this quality It will not be to the liking of Pisces people, who are very attached to their affections. and they could never leave them.Pisces people will not understand how Ariel leaves her loved ones from the underwater world to emerge to the surfacePisces people won’t understand how Ariel leaves her loved ones from the underwater world to emerge to the surfaceIMDB.com

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