Shcherbakova pulled out a victory from Zagitova in a revolutionary tournament. Before that, no one managed to win Alina on the CCP
It was only a year ago … The format of the Channel Channel Cup survived, we are not afraid of expression, tectonic shifts in 2024. First of all, this was reflected in the changed regulations: the number of teams increased to three, challengi and other activity, which were supposed to maintain dynamics and saturate the tournament with elements, were added to competitive programs. But, perhaps, the main difference of the KPK-2024 from its predecessors can be called an interrupted strip of luck for the “red” and Alina Zagitova In particular … In fact, originally Zagitova received strong opponents on the captain's bridge: Anna Shcherbakova And Elizabeth Tuktamysheva – Not one of those who prefer to lose or retreat back. And although for three years the team was pulled out by the team that the Olympic champion Pyeongchang-2018 was won, it was clear the day before, with an increase in the number of scenarios to three, and even when distributing captains in accordance with the colors of the teams and participants directly in the draft, the result could turn out anyway. Strategy and luck will come into business, as practice will subsequently confirm. Contrary to traditions, on the pompous draw of Zagitova, there was a white color, Shcherbakova – blue, Tuktamysheva – red.Alexander Myysyakin, Sport24 separate attention in the memory of the KPK-2024 also deserves the process of forming the composition of the participants. The fact is that the regulations last year turned on an interesting loophole in order to invite athletes who do not fall under formal criteria to the tournament. In addition to the selection system following the results of the competitive season, an external resource was involved, namely the media, the fans and the federation itself. On one side, the idea is cool, on the other hand, the implementation was pumped due to the strange procedure for voting and conflicts between the fan-bases of individual skaters. In particular, there were no accusations against the newly -minted guy at that time Alexandra Trusova Makar Ignatov: Allegedly, he received all the voices exclusively thanks to the famous lover and her support. But even this did not help Makar get a chance to rehabilitate for a non-best season. As for the draft-fraud, the ceremony itself went rather strangely and crumpled: classic mistakes in the announcement of the regulations, ambiguous flash interviews with captains, frightening growth dolls of legendary skaters and, of course, insignificant, but still provocations. For example, Maxim Trankov In the role of the leader, he could not resist the possibility of hooking Dmitry Aliyev On the problem with the motivation, which he frankly shared at the Spartakiad. “You said in an sensational interview that you want new rivals? Here, I found you, ”said the two-time Olympic champion Sochi, pointing to 12 years Margarita Bazilyuk. By the way, the decision to attract juniors to the CPC-2024, with a separate profile tournament, caused disputes. In fact, they occupied quotas, which adult athletes could potentially claim. However, the tendency to make diversity in the participants of the Cup was outlined in the debut year, so the move was quite expected. Moreover, we will pay tribute to that just juniors, in particular, Margarita Bazilyuk, Arseny Fedotov And Lev Lazarevshowed simply an exorbitant level of skiing, brought significant points to the teams and, most importantly, struck the fans with spectacular ultra-si. And what else is needed on the show tournament?! At the same time, it seemed to be after the draft that the advantage remained on the side of Shcherbakova or Zagitova, depending on the rolls of skaters in the moment. Tuktamysheva entered the hypothetical outsiders due to the fact that it was in her team that there was an advantage in the number of juniors, and even purely logically less experienced athletes should have lost in the component part, not to mention the difference in elements in the programs of juniors and adults. Nevertheless, young, but technically strong athletes, on the contrary, worked as a secret weapon of Elizabeth.Alexander Myysyakin, Sport24 of the participants in comparison with previous cups forced the organizers to resort to such a chip as division by type, that is, each skater, with the standard development of events, could make either short or arbitrary. Of course, all this moves away from the strictly competitive format, but the tactics of the captains begin to gain special importance: who and what kind to put in, whether it is worth risking ultra-si or relying on stable and clean skating. After the paired views of Zagitov, it remained a little behind-was not lucky with the serial number in the draft. Even in the battle of elements, an experimental format for athletes who had to speak with arbitrary programs, the “whites” could not increase the advantage. New activity included competitions on the execution of twizes and arc support for dancers, as well as Todes forward and upwards and rotational supports for sports couples. The jump chain and relay race as the most mobile formats benefited the “red” precisely due to the hooking of juniors. In principle, the innovations seemed interesting, but not worked out in their essence. True, even after successful Chellenge and a minor break, Tuktamyshev strongly brought the loners: in the female and in the male loner, it was her wards that became the last. Of course, this shuffled the standings, but, most importantly, it designated how it would become clear later, from now on the irreplaceable leader – the team of the “blue” led by Shcherbakova.
Alexander Myusyakin, Sport24a here the most touching moment gave the “Reds”, or rather Alexander Samarin: The unique case when the athlete announced in advance about the end of his career at the end of the season and went on the ice in the status of an almost professional. Seeing a student beloved by everyone Svetlana Sokolovskaya So that it was impossible to be left without goosebumps. A whole era is all! “Of course, I want to say to Sasha with all my heart … how he rode today! We all stood, and almost a tear did not flow. Sanya, you are handsome! ” – voiced the thoughts of many Ivan Bukin At a press conference. The second competitive day started from the next innovation of the regulations-the captains competition. The legendary skater was invited to go through an obstacle strip and a quiz about the participants, as well as to take out the maximum number of toys from the ice. It sounds bright, but in fact, again, it became in question. A cool episode was the planned replacement or even substitution: Olympic champion Anna Shcherbakova Due to the injury, the legs could not take part in activities on equal terms, so she called the namesake to help- Anna Shcherbakovperforming in ice dancing. Tuktamysheva became the best in the entire round. In arbitrary programs, the view of the “blue” view only increased the advantage, the “challenge of the fans” also did not change the overall situation. It was already obvious to the output of the loners that it would be almost impossible to catch up with Shcherbakov and Co. So, however, it turned out … a real sensation can be called phenomenal rental Daniil Samsonova After the season of struggle with himself: he approached two hundred and brought the coveted 10 points to the team, confirming the dominance of the “blue.” The victorious series of the Red team ended, and luck for the first time in the history of the Channel Channel was on the side of the “blue”. Anna ShcherbakovaAs it turned out, she has another unique talent – regardless of the format of the competition, she invariably leads her team to the triumph. Only Zagitova did not accept this defeat and expressed doubts at the press conference: “I participated in all the cups of Channel One. I will have wishes that there are more understandable charges of assessments, otherwise we are a little confused. And so – everything was super. ” Perhaps this weekend Alina will take a revenge from a friend? ..