Motorcycle production in 2021 is the best in six years

The Brazilian motorcycle industry ended 2021 with 1,195,149 units produced, a volume 24.2% higher compared to 2020, when 961,986 motorcycles left the production lines of the Industrial Pole of Manaus.

The volume produced last year was 2% below the estimates of the Brazilian Association of Motorcycle, Moped, Scooter, Bicycle and Similar Manufacturers (Abraciclo), which was intended to manufacture 1,220,000 motorcycles, but was the best result for the sector since 2015, year in which 1,262,708 units were manufactured.

Motorcycle production in 2021 is the best in six years

For the president of Abraciclo, Marcos Fermanian, the goal could be reached, but obstacles faced by manufacturers such as the second wave of Covid that hit Manaus at the beginning of the year and the health restrictions imposed due to the pandemic, hampered the result of 2021.

“The restrictions implemented on the production line to prevent the spread of the disease, such as greater distance between jobs, increase manufacturing time, but it is important to emphasize that all of them are maintained, as our priority is the health and safety of workers. employees”, highlights the executive.

registrations on the rise

Licenses totaled 1,156,074 units, up 26.3% compared to 2020, when 915,157 motorcycles were sealed. Fermanian recalls that limitations on assembly lines also hampered motorcycle deliveries throughout 2021.

Motorcycle production in 2021 is the best in six years
Abraciclo president Marcos Fermanian (Archive)

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“Today the waiting list is around 30 days for low-cylinder models and scooters, but the trend for the coming months is towards normalization. The associates are making an effort to serve the consumer who expects, wants and needs a new motorcycle”, comments the president of Abraciclo.

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The segment that recorded the highest growth in 2021 was scooters, with 107,285 licensed units, a volume 40.9% higher than in 2020, a year that ended with just over 76,000 units registered.

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Scooters: segment that has representatives such as the Yamaha NMax showed the highest annual growth (File)

Motorcycles of up to 160cc, which are the most used in delivery services, accounted for 80.7% of the market, with 932,797 units registered. The share of medium-cylinder models (from 161 to 449 cylinders) in the total number of licenses was 15.5% (179,481 units). On the other hand, high-cylinder motorcycles (above 450 cylinders) represented 3.8% of the market (43,796 units).

More new bikes in the new year

For 2022, Abraciclo estimates that motorcycle production should reach 1,290,000 units in 2022, a volume 7.9% higher compared to the 1,195,149 motorcycles manufactured at the Manaus Industrial Pole last year. The license plates are estimated at 1,230,000 motorcycles, which corresponds to an increase of 6.4% over last year's result.

Growth projections confirm the scenario of gradual recovery of the motorcycle industry, which has been resuming pre-pandemic volumes. “We expect a more stable scenario this year so that we can reach the levels of 2015 again, when production was around 1.2 million units”, comments Fermanian.


Despite the optimism, Abraciclo says it is aware of some variables that may influence the results for 2022, such as the rise in cases of the Ômicron variant and the H3N2 flu, which can drive employees away from their jobs and impact production. The instabilities of the macroeconomic scenario that influence from the supply and reorganization of production chains, to the high interest and freight rates, for example, also deserve attention.

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“We also follow other movements in the political and economic scenario that can affect consumer purchasing power and negatively impact the demand for motorcycles”, says Fermanian.

December results

In the last month of 2021, 76,359 motorcycles left the assembly lines at the Manaus Complex, a volume 3.9% greater than the 73,471 units produced in the same month of 2020. However, if we compare with the 113,776 motorcycles produced in November, the result is 32.9% lower.

For the president of Abraciclo, the fall was already expected due to the collective vacations that were already scheduled by the affiliates. “The factories take advantage of this period to carry out maintenance services and install new equipment”, completes Marcos Fermanian.

With 112,363 motorcycles licensed, the market reached the second best result of the year and was only behind July, when 112,538 units were registered. The result was 6.3% higher compared to the previous month (105,740 motorcycles) and 13.8% higher compared to December 2020 (98,775 units).

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Models up to 160 cm³ like the Honda Bros account for 80% of the Brazilian market (File)

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With 91,127 units sold at retail, low-displacement motorcycles accounted for 81.1% of the market. The medium-cylinder models had 17,299 units licensed, which corresponds to 15.4% of the total volume of licensing. High-capacity motorcycles accounted for 3.5% of the market, with 3,937 licensed units.

The post 2021 Motorcycle Production is the Best in Six Years appeared first on Motorcycling Online.

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