Frantic and messy: this was the first program of Momento D, the new cycle of Fabián Doman

The first programs usually have a celebratory atmosphere, pompous presentations by the team members and some necessary introduction about the format and the themes that the viewer is going to encounter. D-momentthe new afternoon cycle of eltrece hosted by Fabián Domandid not meet any of these premises: its beginning was dizzying and somewhat messytwo characteristics that became a constant during today’s first program. At 2:30 p.m., Federico Seeber and Silvia Martínez Cassina, from Notitrece, welcomed Doman, already Andrea Politti, who this Monday also returned to the channel’s screen with the cycle afternoon shift. During that talk, the driver, who returned to the media after resigning from Intratables to dedicate himself to the communication of an important service company, named the team that would accompany him minutes later: Cinthia Fernández, Silvia Fernández Barrio, Gastón Marote, Carmela Bárbaro, Pampito Perelló and Gabriel Schultz.very far from the colorful pants that became a registered trademark in his first landing at eltrece, in 2014, and after his separation from Evelyn Von Broke in the media, Doman chose a much more formal look for this occasion: dark suit, gray shirt and tie with red trim. “They know that we privilege the information a lot, so we are going quickly with one last moment that has to do with a commando attack in a country by Esteban Echeverría,” Doman announced, once his news colleagues said goodbye. After the report , with photographs of the entrance to the place and Marote’s voiceover, began a kind of debate on the subject and, quickly, another topic was introduced: the disappearance of Betiana Rossi and the announcement of a raking in the town of 3 de Febrero, the last place where the 38-year-old woman was seen last Monday. Without preamble, with one foot in the present and another in decades past, Doman went on to present the poll of the day: “If a man and a woman have a date for Valentine’s Day, who pays the bill?”. But, again, beyond Fernández Barrio and Fernández alluding that if the man does not pay they leave the place, there was no time for development or discussion.The first interviewee was Verónica Bustos, an inspector attacked on Saturday night, during the closing of a private party in a hamburger restaurant in La Plata. “We were leaving and that is where the owner of the hamburger restaurant where the party was taking place nudges the supervisor and, without realizing it, I continue filming, but he snatches my cell phone, I bend down to grab him and the mother grabs the hood of the jacket and hits me in the face, neck and head. I did not get to see what she cut me with, ”said the official. “The only thing I can tell you is that society has become more violent and less supportive, ”reflected the driver when firing her.With a frantic pace, they moved on to the next topic: the terrible accident suffered by Verónica Lozano in Aspen. With the shocking video that began to circulate on the networks in the background, Pampito told how the events occurred. And after that brief screenshot, she was given access to the cell phone since February 3 to address the news in the search for Rossi. When she returned to the apartment, she was already present the first guest: the Minister of Health of the City of Buenos Aires, Fernán Quirós, to refer to the return to classes in Buenos Aires schools without bubbles, isolation due to close contact or health pass. After being presented with a flood of praise from the driverQuirós assured that those measures are due to the fact that the Omicron variant is reaching his apartment. Outraged, the star and former candidate for legislator Cinthia Fernández then made a messy statement that could well function as a sample of what this first program was: “I live in the province [de Buenos Aires], and it seems that the province is constantly making war on the City and they transfer everything to the political framework. In my case, my daughters go to third and second grade [en un colegio privado] and they demand the N95 chinstrap. In other words, outside the cloth ones, which I agree with, but first of all, there is no pediatric size… It is very difficult to get it”, he got entangled. And he continued, raising the temperature: “And second, it seems absurd to me, because the issue of literacy recently City… I mean, nobody took it into account. Not even when the pandemic started; only now, which is to celebrate. But they are in the stage of literacy, in which gestures and the mouth are fundamental [SIC]. Why are they so ignorant?”.After a few seconds of silence, Quirós explained that one of the lessons learned from the Coronavirus pandemic is that any public policy aimed at caring for citizens also produces harm, and that the ideal is to find a balance. “The damage caused by the use of the chinstrap at that age, exceeds the risk, in a society that has such a degree of immune protection and that, in addition, in other festive environments is not being fulfilled,” he assured. Returning to the topic proposed by the survey – and a little, also to the nineties – Doman gave way to a report that showed Rulo Schijman visiting sweet shops and sex shops to find out which was the most bought gift. And then came the most relaxed moment: an interview with Mariano Martínez, who has just released a version of “El amor de mi vida” together with Rodrigo Tapari, the theme of Eddie Sierra that Ricky Martin recorded. From his home, the actor said that he is single and answered one by one the indiscreet questions of the panel. Fernández, for example, asked him if he would sing a song with his ex-girlfriend Lali Esposito: “Obviously, how can I not do it. What they asked me this morning in the interview that you heard is if I would work at Sky Rojo and I said of course I would. How do you like to put together …! ”, She pointed out between laughs. Then, with the background track of the cumbia-tone version of Sierra’s theme, Martínez began to sing and dance with Rulowho was next to him. Regarding the premiere of the film Humo bajo el agua, in which the actor stars alongside Rodrigo Guirao and which tells the love story between two men, a kind of game was generated that also sounded old. After Martínez told that he had to live with his colleague for 40 days during the filming, Rulo wanted to know if at any time during the coexistence he had doubts about his sexual preferences. “Stop,” interrupted the driver. “If you had been with Luli Salazar for 50 days under the same roof, would you ask her this question?”, he expressed. “No, obviously not. We all know the answer, ”replied the mobile player. And he continued: “But with Rodrigo yes, I want to know. Because they are both so cool, so cute, they take care of each other so much. I imagine them in boxers there in the house circulating, ”he pointed out, arousing laughter from his companions. “Mariano, can you do us a favor? Can you take the microphone and report Rulo?”asked Doman. Martínez accepted the game, and Schijman then pointed out: “The only thing I am saying is that I had fantasies before knowing the story, but after knowing it, I have information and I wanted to know if you want to open this, but obviously let’s not open that door and that’s it”, he joked before the uncomfortable look of the interviewee. “When I said that I was going to work with Rodrigo, everyone told me that he was the cutest kid on Earth. Men women. Some told me: ‘I would doubt it with him’. We are good friends. we have a great friendship”, Martínez clarified. Immediately afterwards, with the presence of a ski instructor in the studio, they began to analyze the images of Lozano’s accident. At the same time, the driver of Cut by Lozano He went live on his own Telefe program and he told his replacement, Paula Chaves, and his team how he was after the spectacular fall. At the end, after addressing the story of April, a 4-year-old girl who decided to donate her hair to children with cancer, the driver thanked to the production of the program and proudly showed the welcome message sent by the authorities of the channel, Adrián Suar, Pablo Codevilla and Coco Fernández. In this way, after an hour and a half of screenshots, rudder changes and time travel, the first shipment of a program that It has not revealed its format yet.

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