Double crime: one of the children of the murdered couple was arrested in Vicente López
Tonight, the Buenos Aires police arrested one of the two sons of the couple murdered two weeks ago at their home in Vicente López. The suspect, identified by police and judicial sources as Martín Del Rio, was arrested at a service station near Nordelta, in Tigre, by detectives from the San Isidro Departmental Directorate of Investigations (DDI).The arrest of the suspect occurred after a request from the prosecutors Martín Gómez, Marcela Semaria and Alejandro Mussohours after the judge of Guarantees of San Isidro Ricardo Costa decided to release the maid of the murdered marriage, María Ninfa Aquino, after the investigators found key evidence that would support a different hypothesis regarding the alleged person responsible for the double homicide.The victims, José Enrique del Rio, 74, and María Mercedes Alonso, 72were fatally shot inside their car, parked in the garage of their house, located in Gaspar Campos y Melo, in Vicente López.Martín Del Rio, 47, will be charged as the perpetrator of the double homicide, aggravated by treachery, as explained to THE NATION sources of the investigation. The key evidence that placed the son of the victims under suspicion were images from the security cameras of the Municipality of Vicente López, the Buenos Aires government and private ones that captured Martín Del Río on the day of the homicide arriving on foot at his parents’ house.The arrest of the suspect“At his parents’ house, the suspect spent an hour. He then went on foot to Núñez, where he had left his Mercedes Benz truck parked ”stated to THE NATION a source of the investigation. The hypothesis of the judicial investigators and the Buenos Aires police is that the motive for the double crime was economic. The victims thought they were going to move to an apartment Château Libertador, in Núñez.“Martín Del Río had to take care of the purchase, but he only paid four installments. The parents were convinced that the move was a matter of hours. They got into the car thinking they were going to Núñez’s apartment, but they were shot to death.”said a source that participates in the investigation. The bodies were found in a Mercedes Benz car that was in the garage of the house located in Melo at 1100.The operation of the Buenos Aires police in the area where the suspect was detained A few hours before the arrest of Martín Del Rio, Judge Costa had ordered the release of Aquino, the domestic worker arrested one day after the discovery of the murder of her employers, the lawyer José Enrique Del Rio and his wife, María Mercedes Alonso, shot to death in a car at their home in Vicente López, on August 24. Nina Aquino will give a press conference this Thursday, at 8, at Monseñor José Francisco Marcón 2584, San Justo, in the study of her defense attorney, Hugo López Carribero.
The mess in the living room on the first floor of the Del Río couple’s house; behind the armchair on the left are the boxes packed for the early move; A bullet casing was found next to the chair on the right. Aquino, 64, was arrested at the request of prosecutors Martín Gómez and Alejandro Musso, who considered the explanations that the woman gave about her movements since she arrived at the police station to be inconsistent and contradictory. house, at 6:40 a.m. on August 24, and at 9 a.m., when he found the bodies of the couple – for whom he had been working for 12 years – inside his Mercedes Benz E350, in the garage of his house located in Melo y Gaspar Campos. They pondered as an incriminating element the fact that the house was singularly scrambled and that must have caught his attention. But the progress of the investigation caused a radical turn in the cause. When resolving the most recent request for release presented by López Carribero, Judge Costa reported that “as a result of the current representatives of the Public Prosecutor’s Office assigned to the case Numerous elements have been incorporated that make up an evidentiary plexus that clearly allows us to notice an investigative hypothesis different from the one that prevailed at the time of dictating the measure of personal coercion that weighs on María Ninfa Aquino Chamorro.”Del Rio, 72, was a lawyer and had owned a private security agency. In addition, he and his wife owned several garages. With a past in the Federal Police (from which he retired with the rank of principal officer in 1982), He had two sons, Martin and Diego. The first of them – who managed his father’s businesses operationally – was the one who identified the wallet seized from Aquino’s house as the place where his mother could have kept the key to the house’s safe, of which, according to According to the first estimates, 10,000 dollars, 1,500,000 pesos, 50 gold bars of ten grams each and several diamonds were stolen. The now detainee would have a power of attorney signed by his father to carry out the family’s real estate ventures. However, when José Enrique Del Rio recovered from the operation that had been performed on him for a tumor on his head, he would have begun to ask his son Martín for explanations about some economic situations, according to sources linked to the case. For the investigators, the dispute over the family businesses would have been the motive for the double homicide. In his testimonial statement, Martín Del Rio had explained to the prosecutors some of the undertakings that the family had carried out in recent months. It marked two conflictive situations with the other part of the commercial operation, on the one hand the purchase of a large shed with the idea of turning it into a garage, in an agreement with a former soccer player from Vélez, which led to a rent given to a school, a deferred payment to the former player and a judicial presentation of this. He also recounted the case of the purchase of a Ferrari, which continued with a dispute with the seller that ended with the recovery of the vehicle by Martín Del Rio a few days before the double crime, according to the now detained person. In that testimonial statement also He had said that only he, his brother and the maid had a key to Vicente López’s house. And he said that he had spoken for the last time with his father in a telephone conversation of almost half an hour, which he carried out, according to what he said, while he was walking along Libertador Avenue, near the Hippodrome. That call was made, in that version, between 4 and 4:30 p.m. on the day of the double crime. According to the prosecution, Martín Del Rio would be the material author. News in development