BBB 25: Poll shows turnaround after scolding in sincere

After a heated since BBB 25 on Monday night (10/2), a sister is the new one pointed out to leave the reality show on Tuesday (11/2). The dispute is between Vitória Strada, Gabriel and Aline. According to the UOL poll, updated at 8 am this morning, who should leave the program is actress Vitória Strada, who appears with 50.73% in the partial. Read also Fábia Oliveira Tati Breaking Shack reacts after being compared to BBB25 BBB participant BBB 25: See who should leave reality on the 4th Paredão Television BBB 25 is “chat” to watch, says Gracyanne Barbosa after dynamics Fábia Oliveira Gracyanne is contained in Discussion with Diogo on BBB25: “Beating on it” during sincer, Victoria took a scolding of Tadeu Schmidt, who forced her to position herself in the game and dynamics.
3 ImagesVitória StradaThe actress is one of the participants of BBB25Close modal.1 of 3vitória Strada is an actress and is in the reality in pair with her friend, mateus@vitoriastrada_/instagram/reproduction2 of 3vitório Strada@vitoriastrada_/instagram/reproduction3 of 3rd actress is one of the participants of BBB25@vitoriastrada_/instagram/reproduction in second place, Brother Gabriel appears with 44.04 % of the votes, followed by Aline, who is only 5.23 %.


In sincere, Strada chose Vilma as the participant who “no one will remember,” but justifying her choice the actress pointed out personal issues, not a game. For this reason, the presenter interrupted her and asked her to talk about the game.

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