5 Morning Mistakes You Should Avoid At All Costs
Each new day is a gift and an opportunity to be and do what we most desire. It is true that there are obligations that we must fulfill, but doing so with a positive attitude and with recharged batteries is essential. The routine begins in the morning, a moment that can undoubtedly mark the course of events. And it is that the way you wake up, and the small actions that follow it, can influence what happens later, both on a practical and emotional level. today we tell you 5 morning mistakes to avoid at all costs. You will improve your productivity and satisfaction. Sounds good? Well take note!
September, back to school!
September arrives, a symbolic month of new beginnings and projects. There are many people who say that it is in this month when they feel that a new year begins. Back to school has marked us a lot!, and we feel responsible for starting a new productive routine after the summer and the holidays. We fill ourselves with resolutions and assure ourselves that “this time we will fulfill them”. Interestingly, not everyone is capable of maintaining this desire to improve and achieve their goals, seeing how little by little they vanish and the projects return to their original form. purposes instead of actions. If it happens to you, maybe you should ask yourself if you are falling into some of these morning mistakes that you should avoid at all costs if you want to enjoy an efficient day with motivation, enthusiasm and energy. Do not forget, the set of actions you carry out in your morning routine can mark a before and after.But beware! That having a bad awakening does not serve as an excuse to stay stopped the rest of the day. Listening to you and respecting you is in your hands, reminding you every day that you are capable and taking the reins, betting on decisions that bring you closer to well-being instead of moving away from it.
5 morning mistakes to avoid
Here is a small list of morning bugs in which you should not fall:
Snooze the alarm over and over (and over) again
On the return to the “new course” try to set a sleep routine that works for you. To do this, set a time to go to bed and wake up and try to stick to it every day. It is not about being the one who gets up the earliest to feel the most productive, but about review how much time you really need in the morning before starting your tasks.Consider what you want and need to do in the morning and decide what time the alarm will go off. Once that happens, don’t procrastinate again and again. Wake up! Start your new day! If you try to wake up very early without meaning, without a clear objective, it is likely that sleep is more important at that time than anything else.
Jump out of bed into obligations
Wait! One thing is that you do not postpone the alarm, and another that you jump from the bed to the work chair. Take your time to sit up, stretch, breathe, give thanks and be aware of how you slept and how you feel. Once on your feet, do what makes you feel good. Each routine is personal and there is no perfect one for everyone. Perhaps a shower, a walk, organizing the day, a brief reading, breakfast (or not), etc. will come in handy. Once you have connected with yourself and with the new day, start your day.
Leave the blinds down
There is nothing better than waking up to the natural light of a new day. That the room gradually fills with light and ends up warning you that it is time to wake up. This does not mean that you do not set the alarm, but that noticing the clarity and awakening your senses can help you wake up with more calm and tranquility and a better mood.
Turn off the alarm and check the mobile
Mail, social networks, messages, etc. All this can wait a little longer, until you have woken up, connected and made the decision to start with the activities. The first thing many people do after turning off the alarm, even without getting out of bed or fully awake, is turn their eyes to the screens. Why is it so urgent? Barring an emergency, what can’t wait? Relax, do not allow external stimuli to influence you in the morningstress you out or reduce your desire to take on the world.
leave everything to chance
If you start the morning without knowing what to have for breakfast, what to wear, what tasks you have to do, the schedules of the procedures, etc., it is likely that the time of the morning will be spent in planning and not in action. That’s why, it is important that you dedicate some time the day before to organize your new day. So you can wake up knowing what awaits you and what the goal is. Reflect on your awakening and if you fall into these morning bugs, plan a new routine and watch how your life changes. Is your moment! Discover this Routine before bed and rest peacefully.