3 daily consumption foods that affect the kidneys and few know

There are daily habits that, due to their roots in the routine, are rarely questioned. The intake of certain foods are attributed beneficial effects for general well -being, but Its impact on certain organs It has been a reason for analysis in the scientific community. Both research and professionals try to find a concrete response about whether they are totally harmful foods for the body or if their moderate consumption may not represent risks; the debate remains open. An case that stands out is that of the renal healtha fundamental piece in the puzzle that defines the good quality of life. The reason? The kidneys play a key role in the processes of purification and balance Body internal.According to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Renal Diseases They filter half a cup of blood every minute and contain about one million nephrons – structural and basic functional unity of the kidney, responsible for the purification of the blood. Thanks to your exhaustive work The nutrients that the body needs to return to blood and waste and excess fluid separate to be eliminated.“When the kidneys cannot work correctly, this can lead to complications such as cardiovascular disease, Increased blood pressureanemia and bone alterations, among others ”, Informs the Bachelor of Nutrition María Clara Delucchi, of the Nephrology Division of the Department of Medicine, Food and Dietetics of the Hospital of Clinics of the UBA. The study entitled “Dietetics protein as renal protection: quality or quantity?”, It shows that it shows that The type of feeding is the most important risk factor of death and disability related to chronic kidney disease (ERC), So diet care is essential in their treatment and prevention. It is important to avoid the excessive consumption of certain foods for the proper functioning of the kidneys “renal health is key to being healthy. It happens very often that many people have kidney disease and do not know, ”reveals Gabriel Lapman, a nephrologist and author of more shoes, less pills. In addition, he communicates that conditions such as type 2 diabetes, arterial hypertension and obesity directly affect the kidneys and they are usually linked to food. “It is born from other pathologies, chronic renal disease in very few cases appears as if nothing,” he adds. National Health Institutes (NIH) report that, despite the fact that phosphorus is an essential mineral for the body, when it is artificial – like the one found in carbonated water -based drinks – it can be harmful to renal health. “Also They provide high amounts of sodium, which should be restricted in a patient with kidney disease, since It has implications on blood pressure “Delucchi communicates. Regarding the impact of phosphorus on the body, the study “The dietary intake of phosphorus and the kidney” shows that in studies made in animals a Correlation between high phosphorus intake and a greater risk of long -term damage in the kidneys.“Excess animal protein can be exhausting for kidneys Because it produces a high level of acid in the bloodthat these organs must work for others to eliminate, ”reports Lapman. As an investigation of the Magazine Nutrients, Wearing a low protein diet can protect against ERC complications, such as metabolic acidosis, which occurs when renal function deteriorates.Excess animal protein can be exhausting for kidneys “does not mean that must completely exclude food but they must be consumed moderately or with the approval of a professional If there are underlying diseases, ”says Delucki. For this reason, according to her, The amounts and frequency of consumption must be guided by a nutritionist specialized in kidney conditions.Frozen foods are usually Ultraprocess and, although they facilitate the process of preparation of meals, they often have excessive sodium and preservative content that are harmful to the kidneyswarns Lapman. The National Foundation of the kidney estimates that this type of food usually contains more than 1000 milligrams of sodium per portion and, in turn, advises to limit itself to a total of 2300 mg of sodium per day. “Those who have renal disease or high blood pressure should limit sodium intake to 1500 mg per day”they add. “Fortunately, There are some manufacturers that offer frozen foods with acceptable sodium content ”highlights Laura Antz, a medical specialist in kidney transplantation in the study “Update of frozen foods suitable for people with kidney disease”. Although he also warns: “Unfortunately, in an effort to reduce sodium intake in food supply, Manufacturers use potassium chloride as a substitute for salt, which increases the potassium content of the food and also makes it a bad option for a healthy renal diet. “Frozen foods have excessive sodium and preservative content that can be harmfulAccording to The criteria of

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