Pilar: a country is fined 3.5 million pesos for obstructing an inspection of employees of private homes

The Ministry of Labor of the province of Buenos Aires applied a fine of more than three and a half million pesos to a country of Pilar’s Buenos Aires party for obstructing an inspection operation in which it was sought to verify the registry of the workers of private houses. In a statement it was indicated that, although the employers in question are the owners of the houses, the fine will fall on the administration of the country “for obstructing access to the required information. In this sense, it was specified that the fine amounts to 3,554,025 pesos. Since 2021, the Buenos Aires labor portfolio deploys different strategies to eradicate informality in the sector and achieve the regularization of workers. Within this framework, inspections were carried out in the countries where the administrations were required to present the records of entry and exit of people with the aim of determining the number of workers who provide services in those places, the number of days and hours of their working day and their registration status. The Buenos Aires Ministry of Labor indicated that the objective of these controls “is that the owners of houses register those who perform work tasks and present the proper information to the Ministry of Labor for registration in the Special Registry of Personnel of Private Housesunder penalty of applying the sanctions established in the Regesil (Federal Labor Agreement, ratified by Provincial Law No. 12,415)”. The Ministry stressed that, although it has wanted to object to the powers of the Undersecretary for these tasks, the area may “require all the information necessary for the performance of its function and carry out any experience, investigation or examination”, as established by article 7 of Annex II of the Federal Labor Agreement. At the same time, it was specified that “for the processing of personal data, the consent of the owner will not be necessary when they are collected for the exercise of functions of the powers of the State or by virtue of a legal obligation”, as established by Law No. 25,326. As LA NACION learned, it is the historic Los Lagartos Country Pilar private neighborhood. The Ministry of Labor pointed out that “registering the workers of private homes is an obligation of every employer” and He urged those who still have workers in an informal situation to register them with the AFIP with their tax code to start paying their salary and social security contributions.With information from the Télam agency

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