Online psychological therapy: is it effective?

A few days ago it was celebrated world mental health day, a very important date to give visibility to something that affects us all in one way or another. In recent times, different events have caused an increase in people suffering from different types of psychological and emotional ailments. It is time to improve in all aspects and this happens by being informed of the different possibilities within our reach. Today we want to talk to you about the online psychological therapy: is it effective? We tell you! Mental health has always been a matter of vital importance and is now even more relevant, given the situation after the Covid pandemic and the corresponding confinement. These factors affected a large percentage of the population and the current data is truly shocking in reference to the increase in cases of anxiety, low self-esteem, depression or sadness, eating disorders, aggression and grief, among others; both in children and adolescents as well as adults. In this context in which we find ourselves, it is essential to know that we have a very powerful tool, which is the psychological therapy. It is increasingly normal to have a professional in this field who can help us resolve those conflicts that occur within us. Suffering emotional wounds is normal and we do not have to know how to heal them by ourselves, just as it happens when we have a physical ailment. We need to ask for help and this is what is really brave and liberating. There is a solution, there is always a different way of seeing things and a psychologist can be the best ally.

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Online psychological therapy: a valuable tool

Today we can do many things without leaving home: shopping, taking classes and training, holding work meetings, etc. Online psychological therapy is another great possibility with great advantages. If you have considered it, but you do not know if it is really effective, we will tell you more.

Is online psychological therapy really effective?

Online psychological therapy allows a greater conciliation with the rest of daily tasks and chores, since it is possible to book the appointment when it suits you with more flexibility, without having to waste time on the way and without having to be in a specific place. Whether you are traveling or at home, having a mobile phone, tablet or computer and an internet connection will be all you need. In this sense, we have already seen some of the benefits for which it could be truly effective, since there are Fewer barriers and impediments to making an appointment and meeting attendance. On the other hand, by doing your sessions online, you can Choose a nice place where you feel safe and comfortable. Some people may find it a bit difficult to go to an outpatient clinic, yet from home they feel they can open up more calmly and honestly. You will need a place where you have privacy and where no one is going to bother you, yes, to be able to express everything you need. In general, we can conclude that online psychological therapy is totally effective, except in certain circumstances for which some techniques are needed. specific facilities for the development of some specific methods. In these cases, a face-to-face visit with the professional in charge will be necessary. As a general rule, the important thing is the connection that happens between the therapist and the patient, both through the screens and live. There may or may not be, but it doesn’t have to depend on distance.

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Psychology at Vikika Team

At Vikika Team we have a psychology service from the hands of experienced professionals. Because we know that health encompasses both the physical and mental parts and there is nothing better than tuning all the parts that make us up. You can purchase a bonus or single sessions to try and find out if it is indeed what you need and if you feel good about the meeting. Do not hesitate to consult a psychologist or psychologist when you feel that you cannot find the answers and solutions. The entry Online psychological therapy: is it effective? was first published on VIKIKA Blog.

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