Javier Milei, live: the latest government measures

The senator Martín Lousteau He referred to the appointment by Decree of Ariel Lijo and Manuel García-Manilla as judges of the Supreme Court and pointed out that it was a “a legal mamarracho and an institutional zafarrancho”. “If any president had done with whom he does not coincide ideologically, he would have this position,” he said in LN+. They are there a decree, then, to explain how they can have real independence from the Executive Powerwhich is what is needed. You don't have to depend. “” In the case of García-MansillaIn addition, he came to the Senate and at the audience he said that he would not accept to be appointed in this way, so it seems to me of additional gravity. Or lied, and he is a judge who does not care about the truth, or the government pressed him enough and changed his mind, which makes him a pressureable”, Closed. Governor Axel Kicillofel Governor Buenos Aires, Axel Kicillofhe referred to the crime of Kim Gómezthe 7 -year -old girl who was killed by two minor criminals in La Plata. “There are some who use it to win a vote”said the provincial president. In addition, he claimed the National Government for security funds again. “I am very sorry for the bajeza that I have observed these days. I know there is electoral campaign. It happened to me a short time since when I was re -elected there was made of insecurity. There are some who use this to win a vote, profit with pain, see if they can take an advantage and the truth that all the limits have been transferred. Some political leaders saw them do things that are not doing politics, they are miserable, immoral and unfortunate things. Not everything is worth a vote, there are limits, ”said Claudio Jacquelinpartos Politicos, business and social associations, divided and unintentionally or without being able to pronounce, they make up a hyperrealist painting. The designation by presidential decree of Ariel Lijo and Manuel García-Mansilla To integrate the Supreme Court of Justice triggered the revelation principle that likes to resort Javier Milei to expose their adversaries. It was the silence more than the words what He left crudely exposed to some of the most rancid expressions of political, business, union, university, law and national espionage. In the shadows, important referents of the world and the underworld of power celebrated as much as the libertarians the exceptional designations.Javier Milei had said that he would instruct the Anti -corruption office (OA) To investigate it for the case $ Pound. It was already striking at that time that the president chose a Organism that belongs to the Executive Power itself to review his shares and determine whether or not there was a scam when he promoted the cryptoc María Florencia Zicavo at the head of the investigation. For Laura Serrala Legislative Assembly that will be held next Saturday, a ceremony of institutional relevance in which the President begins the ordinary sessions of the Congress, Congress, promises to become an official dye event. The toughest opposition blocks will have a Minimum representation in an enclosure that will look raised although with All the boxes and galleries full of officials and libertarian supportersThe President's decision Javier Milei To designate in commission and by decree Ariel Lijo and Manuel García Mansilla as judges of the Supreme Court was the drop that ended up overcoming the tolerance vessel of a good part of the opposition blocks. Union legislators for the homeland- the most numerous block- will make a displacement with their absence; He announced it José MayansChief of the Peronist senators. In deputies they will do the same. The left blocks will not attend either.By Cecilia Devanna this Saturday, the president Javier Milei and the vice Victoria Villarruel They will be seen again after almost four months without doing so and without the differences have disappeared. It will be at the opening of the Legislative Year, in the Nation Congress and because there is no choice. In the government they describe it as an “institutional” greeting. Nothing else. And the proof of that broken relationship is that Villarruel was not invited to the subsequent dinner to be held in the Casa Rosada The one that all members of the Cabinet and the head of the Chamber of Deputies were invited, Martín Menem.Villaruel It has been completely marginalized from the Executive Power for months and, even more, of the nearby core of the president. His last link with the Casa Rosada is Guillermo Francos, The most dialogue man in government. “It is impossible to get along with Guillermo,” as they always define in the government. The criteria of

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