In Texas: the popular fast food chain that closes 25 stores and puts everything in auction online
Dairy Queena recognized chain of fast food ice cream and restaurants, announced that will close 25 of its branches and that will put all its equipment for sale through An online auction. The company, which has thousands of premises in the United States, faces this critical situation only Texas. With this measure, customers can acquire different items from the affected stores through a tender that includes fryers, grills, tables, chairs and frosts. Texas affected stores They were open for decades. However, the company decided to sell its assets immediately and unexpectedly. Business Liquidations, specialized in commercial settlements, is responsible for directing The auction online. On its website, it published which are the affected establishments and what products are available for sale. The real estate within Dairy Queen de Texas are auction Complete lots. In addition, another of the conditions establishes that the official signage must also be withdrawn in case of wanting to use it for another purpose. In turn, each person can only acquire A branchThe closures affect various cities of the state of the lonely star, among which are Fritch, Dumas and Canadian. Those responsible for the establishments left customer farewell messages. Some posters thank the community for shared moments. The decision responds to accumulated problems for years. A Dairy Queen spokesman confirmed to The Daily Mail that all closed branches belonged to the same franchisee. This operator keeps other premises open within the jurisdiction. Dairy Queen de Texas 4500 branches in the United States. More than 500 are located in Texaswhere the brand enjoys great popularity. Founded in 1940, the chain is owned by Berkshire Hathaway. Your menu includes familiar hamburgers and ice cream. The Variety of desserts exceeds 170 flavors.According to the information to which The Daily Mail had access, The chain of food Dairy Queen will close 25 branches in the state of Texas, but it will keep the rest of its stores.These are the 25 Dairy Queen branches that close in Texas: