Healthy weekend, do it like this!
The weekend arrives and many let go of the burden of complying with the weekly routine, sometimes too busy and dizzying. It’s Friday and we have a couple of more relaxed days ahead of us, free from some obligations. It is common, in this context, to get carried away by certain behaviors that are not in favor of a healthy lifestyle, such as absolute inactivity, more copious lunches or dinners, reducing rest by giving priority to nightlife, etc. . You should know that you do not have to deprive yourself of the things that make you enjoy, but rather open a new door in your mind and ask yourself which of your habits during the weekend really satisfy you and make you feel good. Today we talk about how to have a healthy weekendAnd enjoy! Of course. Take note!
What “must be done” vs. what we really want
It is common to get carried away by habits during the weekend that we apparently enjoy, but that, if we stop to reflect, do not leave us with good feelings. An example of this: we are so tired from the week that we decided to spend the weekend lying on the sofa watching TV, which seems to us an unbeatable plan. It’s okay to do it from time to time, if you really need to, but as a general rule… how do you feel afterward with this pattern of behavior? It is common to notice body more numb and rigid after so many hours of inactivity; feel less energy to face certain plans; experience tiredness when, theoretically, you have been resting; even suffer muscle aches or headaches. Does it ring a bell? Another example of this is to totally let go of control at any celebration or party, although we may not feel like going, because “it’s what we play on the weekend.” We eat or dine in a more abundant and copious way, we choose to drink alcoholic beverages and we go to bed almost dawn. The next day, weekend after weekend, we woke up much later than usual, tired, heavy, without energy and we choose to spend the day lying down until we feel recovered. It is common to feel then true repentance, deduce that next time we will take more care of our well-being and conclude that, in fact, we did not like the plan we made so much. As these examples are countless and they all lead to the same conclusion, that of become aware of our needs, knowing how to say “no” when something doesn’t feel like it and having the willpower to do what our body and mind ask and need of us. Let’s then imagine a healthy weekend, that we enjoy and really recharge our batteries! You sign up?
Healthy weekend, what can we do?
It is essential to be aware of what we need at all times and act accordingly. This does not mean that you cannot spend a whole day on the couch, if that is what you need, or party with friends, let go of excessive control and disconnect. Of course you do! But don’t let yourself be automatically carried away by behaviors that later don’t make you feel good. If during the week you strive to be faithful to your lifestyle in terms of food, physical exercise and rest, do not throw everything away on the weekend; above all, because you probably feel better if you do what leaves you feeling good and allows you to start the week full of energy and motivation.
active rest
The concept of active rest refers to the relaxation through relaxed activity that does not require excessive effort. It can be a walk, a bike ride, stretching exercises, etc. What you will achieve by staying active over the weekend is completely disconnect from everything that worries you and day-to-day obligations. Do what your body asks of you, immerse yourself in nature, dance, skate… You will have a good time, you will feel relaxed, you will release stress and tension, you will know that you are taking advantage of your days off and you will notice a more energy to face the routine, among many other benefits of active rest. Do it without pretending anything, without checking the times, the brands, the calories, just for the enjoyment it brings you.
Conscious eating
If on a day-to-day basis you comply with some guidelines or a nutritional plan, relax during the weekend, but do not break the filters and forget how good it feels to take care of yourself. Go to restaurants that offer you a quality product and enjoy the experience, prepare homemade recipes, go to the market and experiment with new contrasts and flavors. And, of course, if you fall into any other temptation, zero regrets! Remember that what counts is what you do most of the time and not on an occasional basis. Whoever believes that a person cannot enjoy food when he takes care of himself, is that he does not know the number of options that we have at our disposal that They protect our health and add quality of life.
healthy leisure
Make something clear to you: go out, enjoy, share time with friendsetc., is a most healthy habit. Playing, laughing, dancing, hugging, are actions that feed the soul and promote our health. Never think that to improve your lifestyle you will have to put aside meetings, meals away from home, parties. Quite the contrary! You will do it from a different perspective, much more satisfying, constructive and enriching. To do this, continue to take control of your decisions and do what you want and need, without thinking about what they will say. Go to restaurants that allow you to eat healthy and rich, do not drink alcohol if you have decided to stop doing so, surround yourself with people who add and do not question every decision you make. We assure you that if you start acting for the benefit of your health and show loyalty to yourself, your weekends will be much more pleasant and satisfying. But not only that, they will allow you to start each Monday with a smile on your face, feeling good, healthy, active. And so, over time, you will notice how your quality of life improves; how your health and well-being are enhanced by a nurturing environment in every sense.
Other ideas for your healthy weekend
Spend time with family. Dedicate yourself to doing some activity for which you normally do not have time. Find moments of self-care through beauty routines, massages, reading, meditation… Spend quality time with family or friends. Put order in your home. Clean, order and get rid of everything you no longer need. Make that call you’ve been wanting to make for a while. Meet a friend or friend whom you have not seen for a long time.