Fazenda 14: Deolane says Thomaz “does anything for money”

Deolane Bezerra spared no offense to Thomaz Costa after receiving a vote from the farmhand in the formation of the farm of the week at A Fazenda 14. In the early hours of Wednesday, she accused her confinement colleague of being selfish and using people. “Deolane may have many flaws, but she will never take advantage of people, right sugar daddy? So our discussion is difficult”, began the peasant. At the moment, Tati Zaqui’s affair chose to remain silent and keep her head down, which the lawyer considered to be a shame.

“You are a coward. Taker of women, men, the elderly, everything. You do anything for money,” she accused. MC Kevin’s widow also took the opportunity to say that she doesn’t do anything like that. “I prefer to be hot, but real, and not fake and cowardly, which is what you are, hyacinth macaw.” Even at the end of Deolane’s speech, Thomaz did not respond. At the time of voting, he said he no longer had the energy “to keep justifying, fighting and arguing”. He followed the same line after being the fourth farmer to join the farm of the week and ending up vetoed from the farmer’s test, which will take place on Wednesday night. Alex GalleteAlex Gallete is a presenter and actor, he is 33 years old and was born in São Paulo.Antonio Chahestian/Record TVAndré MarinhoAndré MarinhoAndré Marinho is a singer and content creator, he is 43 years old and was born in Rio de Janeiro.Antonio Chahestian/Record TVPublicity of the partner Metrópoles 1Barbara BorgesBarbara BorgesBárbara Borges is an actress, is 43 years old and was born in Rio de JaneiroAntonio Chahestian/Record TVBia MirandaBia MirandaBia Miranda is a tiktoker, she is 18 years old and was born in Rio de Janeiro.Antonio Chahestian/Record TVPublicity of the partner Metrópoles 2Deborah Albuquerque, part of Record's reality show foto-deborah-albuquerque-peoa-reality-a-fazenda-14-record-092022Deborah Albuquerque is a former dancer and actress, she is 37 years old and was born in São Paulo. Antonio Chahestian/Record TVDeolane Bezerra, part of Record's reality show foto-deolane-bezerra-peoa-reality-a-fazenda-14-record-092022Deolane Bezerra is a lawyer and influencer, is 34 years old and was born in Vitória de Santo Antão (PE).Antonio Chahestian/Record TVPublicity of partner Metrópoles 3Ellen Cardoso, part of Record's reality show foto-ellen-cardoso-peoa-reality-a-fazenda-14-record-092022Ellen Cardoso is an influencer and dancer, is 41 years old and was born in São Paulo.Antonio Chahestian/Record TVIran Malfitano, pawn of Record's reality foto-iran-malfitano-peao-reality-a-fazenda-14-record-092022Iran Malfitano is an actor, he is 40 years old and was born in Belo Horizonte (MG). Antonio Chahestian/Record TVPublicity of the partner Metrópoles 4KERLINE CARDOSOKERLINE CARDOSOKerline Cardoso is a fashion designer and influencer, 30 years old and born in Fortaleza (CE).Antonio Chahestian/Record TVLucas Santos, pawn of Record's reality foto-lucas-santos-peao-reality-a-fazenda-14-record-092022Lucas Santos is an actor and singer, he is 22 years old and was born in São Paulo.Antonio Chahestian/Record TVPublicity of the partner Metrópoles 5Pele Milflows, pawn of Record's reality foto-pele-milflows-peao-reality-a-fazenda-14-record-092022Pelé Milflows is a singer-songwriter, 23 years old and born in Rio de Janeiro. Antonio Chahestian/Record TVPétala Barreiros, part of Record's reality show foto-petala-barreiros-peoa-reality-a-fazenda-14-record-092022Pétala Barreiros is an influencer and businesswoman, 23 years old and born in Ribeirão Preto (SP).Antonio Chahestian/Record TVPublicity by partner Metrópoles 6MARS RED REDfoto-ruivinha-de-marte-peoa-reality-a-fazenda-14-record-092022Ruivinha de Marte is an influencer and singer, is 26 years old and was born in Urucará (AM).Antonio Chahestian/Record TVSHAYANfoto-shayan-peao-reality-a-farm-14-record-092022Shayan is a businessman, he is 31 years old and was born in Iran. Antonio Chahestian/Record TVPublicity of the partner Metrópoles 7TATI ZAQUIfoto-tati-zaqui-peoa-reality-a-fazenda-14-record-092022Tati Zaqui is a singer, is 28 years old and was born in São Caetano do Sul (SP)Antonio Chahestian/Record TVTHOMAZ COSTATHOMAZ COSTA_001_ANTONIO CHAHESTIAN (13)Thomaz Costa is an actor and influencer, he is 22 years old and was born in São Paulo. Antonio Chahestian/Record TVPublicity of the partner Metrópoles 8TIAGO RAMOSTIAGO RAMOS_002_ANTONIO CHAHESTIAN (12) Tiago Ramos is a model and soccer player. He is 24 years old and was born in Taguatinga (DF).Antonio Chahestian/Record TVBOTTLE WINESVINI BUTTEL_008_ANTONIO CHAHESTIAN (12)Vini Buttel is an influencer and cinematographer, he is 31 years old and was born in Petrópolis (RJ)Antonio Chahestian/Record TV0“If I took this hat, I would have 15 more days in here and 15 days of suffering. That million and a half motivation [eu] I have no more.” This isn’t the first time he’s been unmotivated to participate. In the last few weeks, the pawn asked to be eliminated and even tried to ingest medicine to kill himself. Do you want to stay inside the world of the famous and receive the news directly on your Telegram? Enter the Metrópoles channel and follow the editorship on Instagram.

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