A prosecutor requested that the criminal process of Pity Álvarez and house arrest be resumed

A prosecutor requested that the criminal process against the musician Cristian be resumed “Pity” Alvarez for him homicide of a neighbor, which occurred in 2018 in the Buenos Aires neighborhood of Villa Lugano. In addition, the prosecutor requested that the accused be detained under house arrest with electronic surveillance. According to judicial sources reported today, it is the prosecutor Sandro Abraldes, who requested said measure before the Criminal and Correctional Oral Court (TOC) 29, which in April 2021 rejected the request for dismissal for the former vocalist of the Viejas Locas band, ordered the end of preventive detention and suspended the oral debate in which he was to be tried for the crime of Cristian Maximiliano Díaz. It is that he considered that the defendant he was not in a mental condition to face the process.A recent report from the Forensic Medical Corps showed signs of an improvement in Pity’s state of health. Last Monday, a hearing was held where the possibility that the musician could face an oral debate was discussed.The musician has been imprisoned since last July accused of homicidearchive On that occasion, Álvarez was part of the audience and answered questions from the prosecutor and the court. Finally, prosecutor Abraldes proposed that TOC 29 resume control over the singer’s situation, that the criminal process be resumed and that the treatments to which the accused undergoes to improve his health condition be supervised, such as daily attendance at a day center. Thus, requested that the Pity go to a house arrest regimen with electronic surveillance, which would allow him to continue with his treatment and return home. Now, judges Gustavo Goerner, Juan María Ramos Padilla and María Cecilia Maiza will evaluate the request of the representative of the Public Prosecutor’s Office (MPF) and will communicate their decision next week. Next. Last May, Álvarez was hospitalized in a therapeutic center in the Buenos Aires town of Castelar and reappeared with a band playing one of his songs. This scene went viral on social networks through a video.With information from Telam

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