Tips to start a new habit

How we love September and everything that this month entails! Although any time is perfect to improve your lifestyle, September symbolizes a new beginning after summer. At this time many of the habits already implanted are altered and, despite the fact that our healthy life does not stop, we do allow ourselves greater flexibility in terms of schedules, food, leisure, etc. If you also want to return to the routine with effectiveness, seriousness and satisfaction, take note of the following tips to start a new habit. Whatever you need to enter, following these guidelines will help. We all have wishes or dreams that we would like to turn into reality. Achieve that physical change to which we aspire so much, professional success, materialize a personal project, feel better physically, improve health, speak that language that we have pending, manage to run a marathon, recover the physical shape that we once had, optimize health mental, and a very long etcetera. Each person, with their needs and circumstances, has their own goals and objectives in life and there are no more important than others. However, Turning our dreams into the reality we desire is rarely achieved without discipline, perseverance and enthusiasm. That is why today we share some keys to start a new habit, because if you want this September to be the starting point towards the success of your goals, it is essential that you establish a plan to achieve it. Shall we start?

Tips to start a new habit

habits are daily behaviors that, although at first they may require some effort and sacrifice, they are characterized by being progressively integrated into the routine until they become totally natural and almost automatic actions. When these row in favor of the specific objectives that we set for ourselves, pave the way to successhelping us to enjoy the process and making us feel good at all levels.

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Define one or more specific goals

It is important that in order to establish habits that bring you closer to the goal you are pursuing, you know exactly where do you want to go. Otherwise, it will be more difficult to draw the right path day by day. For example, you should know if your goal is to lose weight, improve your physical capacity, some specific aspect of your health, undertake a project, do that sports event that excites you so much, take an important exam, take an opposition, win a career, eradicate some mental block that makes you uncomfortable, etc. If your goals are not one, but several, you should bet on different habits. Now ask yourself: what do I want to achieve?

“Draw” a line and don’t go back

Once you are clear about what you want to achieve, you must draw up a plan of action. But, beware! It is very easy to fall into reluctance and laziness and end up going back to your previous routine. That is why you must “draw” a kind of line or limit and once you are ready to move towards your goal, do not allow yourself to go back beyond this imaginary line. You have to listen to the body and the mind and satisfy their needs, that is true, but it is even more important to know when it is fears, insecurities or excuses that speak. If what is holding you back are these last circumstances, go beyond them and do not let them stop you. we must try not be our own enemiesbut embrace change.

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measure your progress

In order not to lose motivation and desire, it is a good idea review the progress you are making. Observing where you were and where you are today is evidence that you are on the right track and getting closer to the goal. Whether it is a physical change, the development of a professional project, advancing in a subject, etc., knowing that you are moving forward and that today you are closer than you were yesterday is a good dose of energy.

celebrate successes

Don’t just measure your progress: celebrate it, recognize the strength you are showing and feel proud because this time, finally, you are managing to turn small isolated actions into habits. There is nothing better when starting a new habit than doing it with patience, understanding, the ability to adapt and enthusiasm. Once you get it, reward yourself! You deserve it. Ah! What if you haven’t made it? Don’t beat yourself up, blame yourself, or get frustrated. You are always in time to go back to the beginning. Re-identify the goal, assess what went wrong last time and what failed. Draw up a new action plan integrating stimuli that keep you motivated and… try again! If your goal is physical, you know that you can count on Vikika Team, a team of nutritionists and physical trainers who will help you in the process. If you feel that mental barriers are not letting you move forward, we have a professional psychology service that can be of great help to you. These are some keys to starting a new habit, but each person may require guidance to make it effective in their specific case. Do not hesitate, there is no better investment.

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