The Chestnut Man Season 2: Renewed At Netflix? Cancellation Updates

The Chestnut Man emerged as Netflix’s new top-rated thriller crime drama, which has managed to grasp a vast fan base within a month of its release. Since the release of its first season in September 2021, fans have been looking forward to updates regarding its second season. The show is yet to get a renewal on Netflix, but contrasting on its popularity, we might say that we can witness the news in the coming months. 

The Chestnut Man: When Will The Season 2 Release?

“The Chestnut Man” is currently still officially a mini-series. In six episodes, Commissioner Naiia Thulin (Danica Curcic) and her partner Mark Hess (Mikkel Boe Folsgaard) have to catch a brutal serial offender who brutally murders women. Netflix is ​​currently covered with information about a second season. If the series is extended by a second season, the new episodes could appear on Netflix in autumn 2022.

The Chestnut Man Season 2: What Is The Plot?

The series is based on the novel by author Soren Sveistrup. The plot of the book was dealt with in the first season. Season 2 would therefore have a new case for Naia Thulin (Danica Curcic) and Mark Hess (Mikkel Boe Folsgaard). Soren Sveistrup is a well-known screenwriter. In particular, he was responsible for the scripts for the crime series ‘The Chestnut Man’. Therefore, long-term cooperation with Netflix would be possible. A novel would not be necessary as a template for a second season.

The Chestnut Man Season 2: Is There A Trailer?

Since the series has not yet been extended by a second season, there is still no trailer. As soon as this is the case, you will find it here.

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The Chestnut Man Season 2: What Will Be The Cast?

Should there be a season 2, Danica Curcic could return as Commissioner Naia Thulin and Mikkel Boe Folsgaard as Commissioner Mark Hess.

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