Independent: the elections broke a record of participation, gave the opposition project led by Fabián Doman a ceiling and already has a plan for the first decisions

Forceful and without leaving any room for doubt, Fabián Doman became the president of Independiente for the next four years by adding 72.3 percent of the 15,888 votes cast, absolute record in the history of the club and the third largest call in a club in our country. Néstor Grindetti, mayor of Lanús, and the journalist Juan Marconi will accompany him as vice presidents. Claudio Rudecindo, from the Gente de Independiente group, came in a distant second place, with 14.7 percent. In turn, Javier Mazza, last minute candidate of the ruling party after the resignation of Hugo Moyano and Héctor Maldonado to head the list, obtained 13 percent, in a perfect demonstration of the desire for change that guided the partners. It should be remembered that these elections should have been held ten months ago, and that since then successive scandals -in the courts, the streets and the stadium itself- promoted the removal of the trucker union leader.“It was shown that when people want a change there is no device or anything that stops it,” said a happy but serene Doman, who described the day as “Awesome” and he especially thanked the effort of the Red social mass to patiently wait for the moment to cast their vote. From the moment the polls opened, minutes after 9 a.m., and until 7 p.m. (the closing of the election had to be extended for an hour so that no one was left without participating), the queues were incessant and at times they came to exceed twelve blocks.Elections at Club Atlético IndependienteTwitter @CA Independiente“Great challenges await us, in soccer, economic-financial and even moral,” assured Doman, who in his first statements after the victory indicated that audits will be reported “every 24 hours” to report the real state of the situation in the club. The Moyano management – beyond his successes during the first four years of his mandate – leaves the King of Cups with a liability of 4,600 million pesos and with a number of debts and judgments against. “There are three cases that we are going to look at in particular: the non-collection of a patrician from the Oca company, the shameful trial that former player Gonzalo Verón follows the club and some unclear details in the sale of Nicolás Figal.” , the new management will have to address several fronts. in soccer, decide the continuity or not of Julio César Falcioni in the technical direction of the team. In his electoral program, Doman announced that the decision will be made after knowing first-hand the Emperor’s contractual situation – although he hinted that the style of play is not to his liking. Likewise, he promised the creation of a Football Subcommittee headed by an Institutional Manager and a Sports Director who will be in charge of choosing the future coaches as well as the purchases and sales of players, and negotiating the possible renewals of the ten contracts. and loans due on December 31st.10/02/2022 19:18 The members of Independiente attended this today in significant numbers at the clubhouse on Avenida Miter 470 to elect the new Board of Directors that will govern for the next 4 years.10/02/2022 19:18 The members of Independiente attended this today in significant numbers at the clubhouse on Avenida Miter 470 to elect the new Board of Directors that will govern for the next 4 years.Fanton Osvaldo _ TELAMRegarding the economic- financial, the inhibition to register soccer players that weighs on the Red for the non-payment of a debt with the Uruguayan Gastón Silva will be one of the priorities to resolve, as well as the attempt to prevent América de México from presenting a new claim to FIFA for 4.7 million dollars pending payment for the pass of Paraguayan Cecilio Domínguez. The situation close to bankruptcy in which Independiente finds itself -despite to the announcements to the contrary, the call for creditors requested in the times of President Julio Comparada was not lifted during the eight years of Moyanism-, it will be the other great challenge where the future management will have to focus. “Our plan includes revaluing the Independiente brand, adding contributions from sponsors and reaching commercial agreements with top-level companies,” Doman stressed during the campaign, and also the idea of ​​launching a large conscription of partners and subscribers to the stadium “to reduce with current income the monthly operating deficit”.The continuity of Falcioni, one of the issues to be resolved by the new board of directors headed by DomanThe continuity of Falcioni, one of the issues to be resolved by the new board of directors headed by DomanPrensa Copa ArgentinaThe winning list had its bunker in the sports facilities that the Trade Employees Union owns on Miter Avenue at 1300, a few blocks from the clubhouse, and it was there that Doman received the results and made his first statements. At the main table, in addition to Grindetti and Marconi, he was accompanied by the national deputy Cristian Ritondo, true architect of the Independent Unit list; and Salvador “Pocho” Pérez, head of the Traditional Independent Group, sponsor of the candidacy and main supporter in the successive lawsuits that the popular television host had to present against the Electoral Board. Last December, and a few days before the original date of the elections, the Board had decided to prevent the participation of Doman’s list due to alleged irregularities. That refusal led to the postponement of the elections and extended Moyano’s mandate for ten months longer than was appropriate. The president tried to confirm that this will not be the case in the stage that will begin in the next few days: “From now on the club will be open to everyone. Also for those who did not vote for us and those who have not participated in this election. We are not going to ask anyone who wants to get close to where they come from, but where they want to go to raise Independiente”, said Doman, to close his inaugural speech as president-elect. El Rojo closed with a satisfied smile and without incident one of the most conflictive pages of your story. The next, still blank, it will need the best of lyrics to recover the lost greatness.

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