They ask that the Justice reject the agreement with Alberto Fernández to close the Olivosgate case in exchange for $1,600,000
Two groups of lawyers appeared today in the Olivosgate file and asked the judge Lino Mirabelli to reject the prosecutor’s agreement with the president Alberto Fernandez to close, in exchange for $1,600,000, the cause for the violation of the quarantine in the Quinta de Olivos. Mirabelli must now decide whether to approve the agreement. He could only reject the agreement if he considers it illegal or arbitrary. This Tuesday morning, the Apollo Foundation asked to be accepted as a plaintiff in the file and requested the rejection of the agreement with the argument that this type of pacts are provided for by law only for cases of “low-level crimes or where there is certain damage”. The presentation is signed by the president of the Foundation, Antonio Fratamico, and his attorney, Yamil Santoro, who warned that using this legal resource for a case like that of the President “implies rewriting criminal law” and accepting that “presidential corruption has a price of impunity”.Yamil Santoro, seated in the center, along with the leaders of the United Republicans Marina Kienast, García Moritán, Sandra Pitta, Franco Rinaldi and Ricardo López Murphy Strictly speaking, according to the file, the accusation against the President is for having participated in the celebration of the wife’s birthday, Fabiola Yanezin violation of the mandatory isolation that was in force at that time. The civil association Republican Bases he also went on the record to ask Mirabelli to reject the deal. This association, which until last month was chaired by the brand new counselor of the Judiciary Jimena of the Tower, a former AFIP official during the Cambiemos government, requested to be accepted as amicus curiae (friend of the court). Republican Bases considered that the “reparation of damage” sought by Fernández is not applicable to this case, but also said that it is “absolutely inadmissible” Fernández’s offer. “We cannot fail to mention the impact that complying with the decree had for millions of Argentines. [de aislamiento] signed by the defendant himself in his capacity as President, insofar as doing so they could not say goodbye to their loved ones, ties that were broken forever, dreams that were frustrated, jobs lost, businesses closed, etc. But going specifically to the amount of money offered, it is extremely meager if, for example, it is compared with the figure for which the President himself is currently suing Mrs. Patricia Bullrich for certain demonstrations that he made, demanding 100 million pesos as reparation,” the association stated in its letter. And it added: “If for an alleged offense to honor the President demands $100 million as reparation, it can hardly be claimed that it be accepted as integral reparation of a criminal offense the figure of one million six hundred thousand pesos ($1.6 million) that he offered.” Judicial sources told THE NATION that the agreement between the prosecutor and the President entered the Mirabelli court yesterday and is “under study” by the judge.