The Russian club lost 22 matches in a row: why does it exist at all?

Terrible statistics. Wintering Russian football is pause, but not to the end. The cold period is the best time for futsal. However, the term “best” is unlikely to be suitable for one club. His players, coaches and leaders obviously want to forget the current season as a nightmare. In the Russian futsal super -league, 12 teams play. In September, the tournament simultaneously lost, and acquired a team from Siberia-Novokuznetsk “Sib-Transit” refused to participate, and Iraero took its place. The newcomer of the league was predictably considered an outsider before the start of the championship. All the last place is another Siberian city in the last place. The table is closed by the legendary Siberian from Novosibirsk. Moreover, judging by the results, the team is in a sad and hopeless situation. What's happening?

The task is the playoffs

“Siberian” has been playing in the domestic futsal since Soviet times. The team was never the champion of the country, but climbed into medals six times. The best result is silver in the seasons of 2011/12 and 2017/18. SO 2019 to 2022, the Novosibirsk played in the Premier League (this is the second largest division), but then returned to the elite. For three seasons, they never climbed into the playoff zone. But in the next championship, Sibiryak intended to interrupt the unpleasant series. The task was set before the head coach Sergei Versotyl, the real legend of the Novosibirsk footzala. In the main team, he spent 13 years of a playing career and was involved in all significant achievements. Since October 2023, siblical is headed by

There have been no victories in the championship since October

The beginning of the new season for the team turned out to be ambiguous. In the first five matches, the Novosibirsk did not score points, but then they gave the fight of the IFC of the Communist Party – one of the Grands of the Super League. Having lost to the Communists in the penalty shootout, the Siberianist alternated large defeats with victories for some time. The Yekaterinburg Sinara, Nizhny Novgorod Torpedo and New Generation from Syktyvkar suffered from Novosibirsk. Moreover, in the match with the “generators”, a productive account was recorded even by the standards of a footman – 8: 5! Visimo, in the match with Syktyvkar, Sibiryak spent all his strength. From that moment, that is, from October 26, the Novosibirsk has never won the Super League. For more than three months, the team does not know the victories in the national championship. Moreover, the defeats from leaders like the Communist Party or Norilsk Nickel are explainable. Gazprom-Yugra and Tyumen are also too tough for an outsider. But there are misfires from equal clubs of the Iraero type, St. Petersburg “Crystal” or the same “generation” (which managed to take two revenge) are not explained. Time passed, and the Siberian continued to lose. In January, legal ones were also added to the game problems of the team. The fans of the Siberian insulted Norilsk Nando player on a national basis, and he left the site in protest. For this, the Novosibirsk received a large fine, and also held one match at home without spectators. Which, of course, lost – the Nizhny Novgorod Torpedo. The Losing Sibiryaka series in the Russian Championship is currently 22 matches. At the end of January, however, a sensation in the country's Cup thundered: the dashing team managed to beat the Torpedo – 5: 4. But this success is too incredible against the background of a general collapse.

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Three reasons – budget, players and coach

While Novosibirsk is tormented on the site, Fully fans ask the question: what is happening at all? Why is the team that once walked in the grandi, now hangs hopelessly at the bottom? The first thing that comes to mind is the budget. According to the top manager of the football federation of the Novosibirsk Region and the famous commentator Artyom Rogovsky, less than 100 million rubles were allocated to Sibiryak. For comparison: hockey “Siberia” in the KHL has 13 times more – about 1.3 billion. “What place would the team take now, give her a plus minus 100 million from this billion?” Rogovsky wondered in one of the There are 18 players in the Siberian Roster, which is extremely small for the modern team. The same Communist Party, for example, has 31 players. Small variability increases the load on the players, which inevitably leads to a decrease in productivity. Plus, of course, a moral negative background has not gone anywhere – but how else, when 22 matches in the championship without victories? Third is a coaching factor. Not always the legendary player becomes a cool coach. This, alas, applies to Sergey Paratyl. He never managed to set up the team, but he was remembered more with sharp statements than work. Distributed said that in his team only a few people correspond to the level of the Super League, and after the January defeat from Sinara (1: 7), he suddenly stated that “it would not be here tomorrow.” But the hint of dismissal did not work – Sergei Vitalievich still carries his cross.

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There are many questions

Whether such a “Siberian” is needed for a Russian footsal is a question. The cleansing of the Higher League, where the Novosibirsk residents lived for three years until it helps. Two options remain – either pointwise correct the situation through a shift in the coach or the purchase of new players, or take radical measures up to the dissolution of the team. I would like, of course, without the is possible, there are questions to the RFU. The desire to expand the footzal super -league is certainly commendable. But there is a risk that the clubs like Siberian will appear more and more often. And one day the moment will come when 22 defeats will become commonplace, and not an unpleasant “achievement”. But what to do “Siberian”? The assistant head coach Nikolai Plakhov set the task for the rest of the season: “To climb a couple of lines higher in the regular championship table. The main thing is to see those who will remain and form the backbone of the team next year. ”

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