Proteic chocolate muffins

At this point, and especially if you usually consume the content of our blog and networks, you will know what to prepare at home healthy recipes It is simple. And yes, yes … also if you are a sweet lover! Today we bring you an idea that you can hardly resist. And it is not only chocolate and delicious, but we turn it into a High protein option. It is important to achieve the appropriate level of consumption for each person of this nutrient and have these resources at hand is excellent. Do you want to try some rich protein chocolate muffins? Don't wait any longer! “I would love to try some protein chocolate muffins, but surely they are very difficult to prepare,” “it will need a lot of time,” “I have no idea of ​​cooking and they won't do well” … Does it sound to you? We do not know if you speak or are your excuses, do not give them that power! Prepare your own FIT recipes It gives you power over your way of feeding you, it brings you closer more to your best version and, if you have fulfilled restrictive and dissatisfactory diets in the past, it will reconcile you with the pleasure of eating.
Chocolate muffins

Protein chocolate muffins: Dulce craving?

Today we bring you a sweet recipe that you will love, especially if you like chocolate and want to vary in what you consume every day. The Proteic chocolate muffins That today we share with you are very satiant and you will certainly love. Do we start?

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These are the ingredients What will you need: 1 mature banana 1 natural yogurt 2 cdas. of pure pure cocoa 1 chocolate protein scout (highly recommended that of salted chocolate from Grow Nutrition) a handful of natural nuts 1 egg


Mix the ingredients, as we show it in the explanatory video, and carry the mixture in portions to the Airfryer during 15 minutes at 180ºC.

If you dare to prepare this delight, do not hesitate to share the results in networks and mention us so we can see them. The Proteic chocolate muffins They are vice! We love to know that you inspire yourself with our recipes, it is the reason why we work every day: to accompany you in your healthy way direct to your goals.

Nutrition: fundamental pillar of a healthy lifestyle

Food is a fundamental pillar in a healthy lifestylea high percentage of the care and well -being process. They are different healthy habits that we must integrate and that of adequate nutrition is undoubtedly one of the most important. Because that “we are what we eat” has much really. If you have decided to attend this aspect, but you do not know how to do it or where to start, you can check the Vikika Team Personalized Diet Plan. A professional from our Nutritionist team will elaborate for you a Nutritional program Depending on your needs after a first contact where you will tell you everything you need. Advishing good professionals is the best investment in your health. And, remember: if you do not take care of your body and your mind it will be difficult to find energy, creativity, productivity, etc., which requires fulfilling your dreams.

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