Fabiana Karla extols fat protagonism in the film A Pinch of Luck
It took Fabiana Karla five years to see her first film as a protagonist, Uma Pita de Sorte, in the cinema. Filmed in 2017, the romantic comedy waited for the pandemic to normalize and premieres this Thursday (15/9). metropolises, the actress reveals that she considers the job a turning point in her career. In addition to distancing herself from the torn humor that consecrated her in programs like Zorra Total, she exalts the importance of having a fat woman from the Northeast in the main role of a Brazilian feature film. feel represented by me are vibrating together. We are at a time when people want to see themselves, and I’m having the opportunity to be a comedian, fat, northeastern woman and protagonist in a movie theater near your house! For me, it’s a liberating thing for a lot of people who thought they couldn’t be in this place”, celebrates. mother, Gina (Jandira Martini), not to let her down, and is an assistant at a restaurant that doesn’t value her talent, while she doesn’t realize her dream of having her own establishment. from a TV show as an assistant to Diego (Ivan Espeche), a renowned (and seductive) Argentine chef. Pérola has the help of her brother, Fred (JP Rufino), and her best friend, Lugão (Mouhamed Harfouch), who hides his passion for the protagonist.Fabiana Karla plays Pearl in the film Uma Pitada de SorteFabiana Karla plays Pearl in the film Uma Pitada de SorteFabio Bouzas/DisclosureFabiana Karla plays Pearl in the film Uma Pitada de SorteFabiana Karla plays Pearl in the film Uma Pitada de SorteFabio Bouzas/DisclosureAdvertising by partner Metrópoles 1
Fabiana Karla and Mouhamed Harfouch in the movie A Pinch of LuckFabiana Karla and Mouhamed Harfouch in the movie A Pinch of LuckInstagram/Reproduction
Pedro Antônio cries when talking about his father, Paulo Thiago, during a virtual press conference for the film A Pinch of Luck metropolises, Fabiana Karla compares the “ogre” played by Harfouch to her husband, Diogo Mello. For her, even the biceps of the two men are similar. “He’s my Lugão! He has a ‘lugones’ [bíceps]…his lugones, love, is cool! I laughed a lot because he, watching with me, said ‘Love, it’s me!’. I said: ‘If you kiss your biceps now I’ll leave you, I’ll leave now!’”, he jokes. The actress also sees similarities with Pearl, especially in a characteristic that her character learned from the doses of bad luck in the story. family and tried to please himself by dividing between these two worlds to achieve his dream. But this maturity curve sometimes comes with a lot of anguish. Pearl wanted to get out of this cozy family shell, and there are those who live like that for many years. It takes a lot of courage to go forward. Pearl encouraged me to understand that I will never be able to please everyone. I also lent Pearl my persistence, my ability to never stop dreaming. I charge myself, because the human being has to dream. A human being without a dream doesn’t make sense”, she analyzes. Do you want to stay inside the world of the famous and receive the news directly on your Telegram? Enter the Metrópoles channel and follow the editorship on Instagram.