Review of the book in a wolf trail. What you didn't know about The Witcher 3, and you can read about it now

Ask if The Witcher 3 is an outstanding game is how to interpellate whether the wild boar in the forest is defecting. Wiesiek rules and I do not invite you to the discussion. Especially that although I have never had the opportunity to go through this title myself, which I am damn by, in my gaming environment I have individuals, which ended this game for a few, maybe several times. So I asked brazenly both, even the third, which I can tell me about The Witcher. They sang like a 3 -fast glaucoma, but the question remains – is it really impossible to dig more information? Do you know, ashtical? It turns out that you can, and this was achieved in the wolf's book in the footsteps. But, as Wołoszański used to say, let's not warn the facts.

In a wolf trail, or how the Witcher 3 was created: Dziki Gon

I deliberately quoted Wołoszański. My personal favorite, ex aequo with Professor Miodzek, as part of the transfer of knowledge in an interesting way. And you know who has recently climbed to similar highlands? Zbigniew Jankowski. Yes, the one from the gamebook. Not only that a privately good peasant, I know, because I had the opportunity to change a word or three on the occasion of Pixel Heaven last year, he is also a devilishly talented storyteller. He took a book, about The Witcher. By the way, I will add that writing cool things is not the first to him. Finally, the editor -in -chief does not make nobody for pretty eyes. And he wrote to Secret Service. And he founded his publishing house. Let it not be, he knows what he is doing. “A wolf trail. The story will be created by The Witcher 3: Dziki Gon ”, because this title is just a solid position for anyone who has gone through and knows, as well as for those who do not see the difference between Lesz and Bies, and yet they are curious about history About how the third part happened at all.In the wolf trail / photo: two by two, the fact is that there are answers to questions, which, in principle, no one somehow asked loudly, but at the same time he will not be offended at all, as he will get an extensive answer to these. The author, thanks to the aforementioned experience, wrote a book, actually documentary, but committed it in such a way that he was read with baking on his face, like a good detective story. He doesn't get bored like Orzeszkowa, although he describes everything quite accurately. The next heroes are added every bit, but he does it so cleverly that I did not get lost as a reader, even once, and it must be admitted that a lot is scrolling.

From the creation of the script, subsequent quests, through conceptual sketches, models, character design, music, with how important music. It even flies through these 400 a few pages immediately. Sometimes it is regret that you can't read again, because it's not enough time and books are not decreasing.

Structurally, the whole thing sticks to poop and if I should pick on anything, I have one reservation. Like the text you read here – it's just a text. In the thicket of appearing characters, I would not personally be offended, as if a photo appeared once in a piece, if only to show how the dycist of a man who mounted models, or glued quests into a logical whole. For most players, those who spent severe months and years in the fumes of crunch and programming are only a name in credits, which a large part does not read. After getting acquainted with the “wolf trail” until I wanted to google what the faces of the people with whom, thanks to the light style of the author, I managed to live. The more that it is not always ultra -misery. Thematically, this is something between the chronicle and the reportage, so as it once turned out that something broke, that the conflict has swollen, or if you had to end cooperation with someone, this is also mentioned.In a wolf trailIn the wolf trail / photo: two after two, it is all a devilishly contagious passion, and looking at the end result, just like the talent “Redom” is not lacking. Of course, this is not just a simple, mindless relationship what and how it took place. If you think more about the whole, you can, like a Polish teacher in a high school, say that the author, however, meant a little more than it seems superficially. This is not only a simple story, but even a study on how to conduct such a great project as the third witcher was undoubtedly. This is not a garage possession of several buddies, but a sweat -made forehead, a flawlessly lubricated machine that is designed to spend a masterpiece. Yes, let's not be afraid of words. A game, the story of the creation of which we meet here is, in mine and not only my opinion, one of the most important titles that the game market has ever seen. Bestest Ever, as hamburgers from across the ocean say, and even after the number of copies sold and the titles of the game of the year can be said so calmly.In a wolf trailIn the wolf trail / photo: two after two times of writing this text Steamcharts showed over 20,000 people running happily around Novigrad. Redzi effectively earned it. And there are many indications that the authors of Wieśka are a pretty cool team. As a curiosity, if you will install the game through such Steam, for example after reading the “wolf trace”, read the user's contract. I haven't met sufficient Maruda yet so that the first paragraph would not make him laugh.

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As I said above – there is really nothing to pick on

The whole was created on the canvas of interviews and conversations with creators. From the “lowest” code to the code, to directors. It is a pity that there is not a single photo in the book. I do not believe that by burying in the “injuries” it was not possible to get at least a few photos, even if things that could be, but they were not lucky to get to the final version of the game. I do not cling to it very much, because GameBook, when it comes to publishing books, it does a job, but somehow is missing.In a wolf trailA wolf trail / photo: two after two is this book a must? All in all. However, as in the case of decent running shoes, you can barefoot, but somehow more convenient in shoes. Thanks to reading, I managed to wake up my long -unseen passion. Maybe this time I will finally finish The Witcher 3, and I will not get stuck to Skellige, as in the case of the last 15 approaches. The book can be found on the official wolf website in a regular price of PLN 69.99. There you can also download a fragment of the book and check how you read.

The book was provided to us by GameBook. Nobody had the least influence on the content of this text and our opinion.

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