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“Working poor”: Informal workers lost again to inflation in January

The job that recovered the most is the one with the lowest wages. That game between more employment, but precarious; more salaries, but that run below inflation, has a strong impact so that the social reality improves, but in a limited way. In fact, there are several experts who affirm that the improvement in indigence in the last year was due to the addition of more workers, but of those who persist in poverty. The INDEC January Salary Index reaffirmed this trend in 2022 The non-registered private sector, the informal workers, had a salary increase of 2.5% The price index (CPI) for that month was 3.9%. Others who lost with the remarks were public sector workers. Their income improved 2.9%. In the interannual measure, informal workers show an increase of 40.7%, exactly ten points below the annual inflation that month. The private and public ones show improvements of 56.2% and 59.4%, respectively. Added, registered public and private, had an advance of 4% in January, due to the improvement of the private ones (4.6%). Those workers with full rights beat inflation. If the total is taken, the increase in salaries for the month was 3.8%, one tenth below the increase in prices, according to the institute led by Marco Lavagna. “In the month of January, several increases were applied corresponding to parity quotas”, affirmed the Ministry of Economy as soon as the number was known. “Increases in the Oil, Meat, Leather, Gastronomic, Graphics, Clothing, Maestranza, Metallurgical, Chemical and Security unions stand out,” said the Palacio de Hacienda in a statement about the situation that particularly improved the situation of private workers registered. The figure of the working poor expands. The Observatory of the Argentine Social Debt of the UCA (ODSA) coordinated by Agustín Salvia affirmed that Last year, 28.2% of the employed population aged 18 and over could not get their job out of poverty. In 2010 they reached 17.6%, according to the series that was presented last December. The number can be seen through the sieve of two other official data, but positive. Unemployment in 2021 was 7% thanks to a sharp rise in the employment rate. However, job creation was primarily informal or precarious. In fact, according to the Argentine Integrated Social Security System (SIPA), the number of registered private wage earners in 2021 is lower than it was at the end of Mauricio Macri’s government (there are 7,000 fewer workers). Some experts believe – after knowing the number of poverty yesterday – that the drop in indigence was due to the access that more people had to “changas”, which served to get out of that situation, but still places them below the poverty line because their income does not were sufficient in the face of rising prices. Part of that mystery will be revealed with the data on the Evolution of income distribution at the end of 2021 calculated by the Permanent Household Survey (EPH) that will be known on Wednesday. “If what happened in the last four years is analyzed, it is noted that registered private wages reached a floor in January 2021, with a fall of 18.7% compared to the base period, and then recovered 3.6% from that floor until January 2022. Meanwhile, public sector wages they had a fall of 25.3% until May 2021 and recovered 5.8%. And unregistered private sector wages fell 33.4% through September 2021 and then recovered 4.5%”, estimated the director of Iaraf, Nadin Argañaraz. “The hardest hit sector is the informal sector, where wages have had negative year-on-year records in real terms for 13 consecutive months, with -6.6% year-on-year in January. Similarly, in real terms, they are -6.6% below the level of February 2020″, stated the private consulting firm LCG in a report on the data released today.The situation of the income already produced strong short circuits in the internal of the Front of All, today red hot. “In the average value of salaries, when registering Social Security Contributions and Contributions, it is observed that the monthly and annual average values ​​persist at the level of the end of the Macri Government,” Artemio López, a man more, wrote days ago. close to Christianity, on Twitter with data from SIPA and a graph that showed his point.In fact, the latest report from the Ministry of Labor shows that the median remuneration of registered employees in the private sector grew end-to-end in 2021 by 52.4%. However, the annual variation of the 12-month moving averages advanced 47.1% (below inflation). This reaffirms, explains Jorge Colina from Idesa, that in 2021 private wages were accelerating to beat prices in the mid-term vote. According to the wage index, the year-on-year data for 2021 beat prices. The average shows a real drop.“You can give a raise in December and compare with the previous December, and it can be higher. But you don’t buy yogurt and meat on December 31, but 365 days a year. So what matters is the journey, the average. In the extreme, you were able to iron your salary all year, you lost eleven months, and increased it the last month to beat the previous December, but in the previous eleven months you bought less yogurt with your salary”, commented an economist.


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