Categories: Entertainment

Weekend in DF has Zeca Pagodinho, Jota Quest and more. Check out!

Friday arrived and with it a weekend full of events in the Federal District. Among the attractions, the highlights are the shows by Zeca Pagodinho and Jota Quest, the Book Biennial and the Planaltina Film Festival. Check out the details below and choose the activity that suits you best! PARTIES The World Cup heats up in less than a month and UniClub (SCN, opposite Liberty Mall) is already in the rhythm of the competition. This Saturday (10/22), starting at 10pm, the venue will have concerts by Thalita Rangel and Xéu and a special presence by David Brazil. Tickets are on sale online and start at R$30 and the event is not recommended for children under 18.MC Livinho goes viral when he sings É Isso Aí at MultishowMC Livinho goes viral when he sings É Isso Aí at MultishowMultishow/ReproductionDavid BrazilAdvertising by Metrópoles 1 partnertwelveporoito-group-pagodeTwelve Por EightDisclosureSamba UrgentePublicity of the partner Metrópoles 2Nossa Galera – 2Grupo de pagode brasiliense Nossa Galera0O Dobro ou NadaThe night will be pagode on Friday (21/10) at Viva Living (QS 3, lot 19 A/B). The space opens at 9 pm and will feature shows by the Largo Tudo and Nossa Galera groups. Not recommended for children under 18 and tickets from R$ 30. Oktober FestFrom Friday (10/21) to Sunday (10/23), Shed 17 (SMAS Special Area G, set A, lots 16 and 17) will host one of the most famous parties in Germany. In the program, more than 30 beer taps, typical German food and pop rock concerts. The event is not recommended for children under 18 and has tickets from R$15, available online. Secret HalloweenThe city is already in the Halloween mood and will have a themed party over the weekend. This Saturday (10/22), Halloween Secreto brings artists like DJ Zullu and MC Livinho to Arena BRB Mané Garrincha. Not recommended for children under 18, the party has tickets for R$ 80 on the front stage and R$ 120 in the high box.MUSICABandaDesire de MeninaWhoever wants to dance a forró can enjoy the show of the bandDesire de Menina at World Brasilia ( SIA Excerpt 3). Not recommended for children under 18, the venue opens at 9pm and tickets start at R$40.Complexo Fora do EixoWith the hit Como Não Dá, Mr Dan commands the night at the space located at SAAN this Friday (21/10) . With tickets starting at R$40, the program also includes Doze Por Oito, Hugo Drop and Nyca and Kaca. The place is not recommended for children under 18 and opens at 8pm. Jota QuestThis pop rock band celebrates 25 years of history and brings the show Jota25 – De Volta ao Novo to Brasília this Saturday (22/10), at 10 pm. The group presents career classics, such as Fácil and O Vento, on stage at Arena BRB Mané Garrincha. Tickets start at R$110 and are available online. Check the rating.Live – Festival de Música BrasiliensePromoted by the collective CDC Session, the event features concerts by eight bands from Brasilia this Saturday (22/10). From 5pm to 10pm, Girô (QNB 13, lot 14) will have performances by Pleno, Mirante, O Plantae, Afroragga FlowMan, Sorte, Natália Carreira, Pássaro Preto and Never Look Back with styles such as rock, pop and reggae. Admission is free and children under 18 must be accompanied by their parents. Music in SetThe Urban Garden of Conjunto Nacional will have free attractions for the whole family this weekend. Saturday (22/10) is rock day with O Menestral, at 1:30 pm, and band Magnata, at 4:30 pm. The rhythm continues on Sunday (23/10) with the acoustic version of the band Lyppe, at 1:30 pm, and the classic style with the group Veda, which performs at 4:30 pm. Sesc + W3 SulMusic will take over Sesc on 504 Sul and Infinu (506 Sul) this Saturday (22/10) and Sunday (23/10). With the promise of lots of music and fun, the free and open event for all audiences, will have Samba Urgente, Filhos de Dona Maria, 7 na Roda, Choro Delas and DJ Tamara Maravilha among the attractions. Zeca PagodinhoThe samba of one of the main names in Brazilian music stirs the Ulysses Guimarães Convention Center this Saturday (22/10). Zeca Pagodinho brings lyrics such as O Sol Nascerá, Let a Vida Me Levar and Vai Vadiar to the space stage from 10 pm onwards. Tickets range from R$100 to R$220 (half-price), in addition to the option of Camarote Humm (R$600), with open bar and open food signed by chef Marcelo Petrarca. Check the rating.TEATROCéu EstreladoUntil Sunday (23/10), the Centro Cultural Banco do Brasil (SCES, stretch 2, lot 22) hosts the show that has Bruno Garcia and Juliana Linhares in the cast. With sessions at 8 pm on Friday (21/10) and Saturday (22/10) and at 7 pm on Sunday, the play shows how family and social relationships influence our personal formation. The show is not recommended for children under 12 years old and has tickets at R$30 for the full price and R$15 for the half-price. , at 9 pm, at Teatro da Caesb (Águas Claras). With tickets from R$50 on sale online, the show features comments on topics such as excessive physical exercise and technological addictions. Check the ratings.Nany People at the DFOUTROSBenal Brasilia International Book Until October 30th, BILB occupies the Exhibition Pavilion at Parque da Cidade from 10 am to 10 pm. The program includes a book fair, chats, debates, launches and autograph sessions. This Saturday (22/10), Ilustralu and Paulo Moreira talk about the new Brazilian comic in the From local to universal chat, which starts at 3pm. Domingo (23/10) has a conversation with Mateus Santolouco, an illustrator from Rio Grande do Sul who is one of the main names when it comes to Ninja Turtles. Also at 3pm, he talks about the cartoon icon and thehe is founder of, the Stout Club. Entrance is free, upon collection of tickets on the event’s website, and the indicative classification is free.Bothanic BrasíliaThe complex located in the Setor de Clubes Sul opens its doors this Saturday (22/10) with the promise of being a new point of culture in capital. From 16:00, it will be possible to enjoy the atmosphere and enjoy the musical show of Holomagic. The space is not recommended for children under 18 years old and tickets start at R$90, half price. Meat Festival O Assados ​​do Fred (302 South, block C, store 2) celebrates one year and celebrates with an event washed down with different types of meat and a mixture of choro and MPB to enliven the audience. On the list of attractions are the group Chorando Baixinho and Timpaz, which invites Fernanda Monteiro. Recommended for the whole family, the festival takes place at the house’s unit in Asa Sul and starts at 11:30 am. Table reservations can be made by calling (61) 3877-8939.One of the portions of the grill is the anchoMotriz steak – 1st Planaltina Film Festival Until Saturday (10/22), the event will include film screenings, conversation circles, soirees and concerts for the public in Planaltina and the region. In all, 18 works on human rights and democratic responsibilities will be exhibited. The program is free and available on the festival’s website. Check the rating and location of each activity. Afro-Urban SoireeThe space of Jovem de Expressão (QNM 10/18, Praça do Cidadão) opens the doors to a soiree that values ​​African-American culture this Saturday (10/22), starting at 4pm. With free admission and free indicative classification, the event will be attended by the organizer of the Bahia Sarau da Onça, Sandro Suassuna, but also by local poets, such as Karla Calasans, Pedro Ivo and Tatiana Nascimento. In addition, those who go to the place can check out a literary fair. Do you want to stay on top of the world of celebrities and receive the news directly on your Telegram? Enter the Metrópoles channel and follow the editorship on Instagram.


Hi, I am Seo expert, an MCU geek, a Star Wars fan, With more than 5 years of experience in the field of entertainment journalism and 28 years of experience in being a movie and TV show geek, I contribute to as its Cheif-Editor. My work here is to provide you with the craftily selected pieces of news from the Entertainment industry so that Pamdemocrat can be your ideal spot for all the latest Hollywood buzz and gossips. Ping me on my email ID below and let's discuss the latest theories and your favorite moments from my favorite TV shows and movies.

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