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Together for Change seeks to do damage control after the internal crisis caused by Elisa Carrió

Together for Change went through one of the most convulsive weeks since Mauricio Macri lost power in 2019. The unexpected attack of Elisa Carrio against his associates for his alleged links with Serge Massa generated reproaches, crossed accusations and raised questions about the future of the opposition coalition. Perplexed by the magnitude of the internal crisis, the heads of the space launched an operation to calm the conflict and prevent a greater atomization of the force and that the electoral device that was born in 2015 explodes with a year to go before the presidential PASO. Back in her refuge in Exaltación de la Cruz, Carrió was “hurt” at her loyal ones. She interpreted that there was an “overaction” in the reply of her allies from Pro and the UCR, but she built bridges to stop the spiral of tension. For instance, she resumed the dialogue with Gerardo Morales, head of the UCR, whom he had targeted for his ties to massism. “It seems that Carrió accused the coup”, reflected one of the protagonists of the lunch of the macrista troop in the Costanera. At the height of JxC they intend to “close the chapter” around the offensive that the leader of the CC activated to prevent the advance in the opposition force of “pan-Peronism” and block an eventual dialogue with Massa, one of his historical enemies on the political map. Horacio Rodriguez Larreta Y Patricia Bullrich They also took steps to seal a mini-truce in the battle unleashed in space by Carrió’s rosary of criticism against force referents, such as Rogelio Frigerio, Emilio Monzó, Facundo Manes and Cristian Ritondo, among others. In fact, Macri and the Pro authorities buckled down and went out to lower the tension to prevent the opposition war from overshadowing the vicissitudes of the Government, which is dealing with a growing deterioration in the economy. “Carrió was wrong and generated an unnecessary conflict. We changed the axis at the worst moment of the Government”, laments one of the chiefs of the force. Next Tuesday a meeting of technical teams and the national table of JxC was scheduled in the gastronomic union of the Capital. Due to the earthquake caused by Carrió and a series of logistical problems, the party leaders preferred to postpone the conclave. After “the foam went down”, they exchanged messages and agreed that the national table will meet on August 24. Although there is no defined agenda, the intention is to send a signal of unity. It was agreed by Bullrich, Morales, Maximilian Ferraro (CC) and Miguel Angel Picketto (Federal Republican Gathering).Cristian Ritondo and Patricia Bullrich, leaving the meeting of ProMauro Alfieri – LA NACIONDespite the aftermath left by Carrió’s surprise attack, the heads of Pro and the UCR rule out a break with the CC. They cling to the belief that preserving unity is the only way to regain power in 2023. “We are going to overcome this crisis”, confides one of the main references of JxC. Of course, both in Pro and in the UCR they admit that Coexistence with Carrió represents a new challenge. They reproach him for not having raised his objections about the “ethical” conduct of other members through the institutional channels of JxC. “We want to discuss things head-on and in public. This does not harm, but rather strengthens”, they reply close to Carrió. Despite the efforts to calm the waters, Carrió’s detractors accuse her of having caused “immeasurable damage” in the opposition coalition at a time when the Government suffers the wear and tear caused by the unstoppable rise in inflation and the revelations of the trial in the Vialidad case. Disbelieve the arguments put forward by the leader of the CC to start the “cleaning” of the space and block the contamination of sectors of the PJ. There are not a few radicals and macristas who are convinced that the former deputy kicked the board to mark the field for her partners in the face of the negotiation for the 2023 electoral lists. “There was premeditation and treachery. And this responds to a personal positioning strategy”, points out one of the UCR chiefs.After meeting with Schiaretti in Córdoba, Lousteau launched Evolución en Formosa Carrió’s onslaught against his allies aroused widespread rejection among referents of radicalism, with the exception of mario nigri, friend of the ex-deputy. In a sector of the UCR they claim to end the “extortion method” of the former deputy – they accuse her of appealing to her firepower to preserve a certain centrality – and they are already planning a counterattack: settling accounts with the bishops of the CC and closing their chance to occupy lockers on the party’s payroll in 2023. At the peak of radicalism they did not overlook the fact that Carrió has not attacked Macri and Larreta. They suspect that he preserved those ties because he imagines that Pro’s presidential candidate will be one of the two. In Pro they also associate Carrió’s “preventive” offensive with the discussion about the 2023 electoral strategy. They believe that the leader of the CC lost room to negotiate in the new configuration of JxC and that the concrete possibility of a competitive internship between candidates of Pro and the UCR would subtract spaces from their representatives. Those who frequent Carrió reject these speculations and assure that, with the assumption of Massa as Minister of Economy, the former legislator decided to play hard to discuss the direction and appearance of JxC. “Unity is guaranteed and we will continue working for it, within a pan-republican scheme,” they warn. The debate on the identity of the opposition coalition was left open.Gerardo Morales visited Olavarría yesterday


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