In December 2021, the marriage of Ignatius and Nataliaalong with his daughter Sofia, 12 years old, all Argentines, undertook the adventure of leaving to settle in another part of the world. The chosen country was Spainand the city, Valencia. Five months later, thanks to his effort and tenacity, were able to exhibit at a Valencian fair the dolls that hug and other craft products from natina toys, their family business that they transferred from Argentina to the Old Continent. Happy to be able to start over in a new home, they both thank “the good vibes of the people” in Valencia and they assure: “Here they value us, they tell us that Argentines are very creative”.“Today marks five months since that December 13, 2021 that we took the plane with my family to settle in Valencia. Today, with a lot of effort, Natina Toys starts with Abrazos Natineros to share the games of the boys in Spain”, he wrote, on his Twitter account, Ignatius Marcalain, to tell his followers the good news of his family. The photos that accompany the post show him next to Natalia Parody, his wife – whom he defines as “the locomotive, the soul and the engine” of entrepreneurship – in the market Colon of the mentioned city in eastern Spainwhere they set up a stand with their products. The decision to settle in another city was something that both They had been “chewing” for years. “I feel that it arises from a concern to open my head, to know other realities. We always liked to travel a lot, and we did it a lot, and we thought about being able to make our lives in other places, and live experiences with other customs, other idiosyncrasies”, he tells, THE NATION, Natalia, through a telephone conversation in which her husband also intervenes Ignatius.The family of Ignacio, Natalia and Sofía moved to Valencia in December of last yearTwitter / @nachobam67“This started a long time ago when Nati began to fill out the papers for Spanish citizenship, and then she passed it on to our daughter Sofía. We wanted her to have the tools so she could do whatever she wanted anywhere in the world. We speak languages, we taught that to her, who went to an international school in Argentina and now here too,” says Ignacio, who was a cameraman for the news division of Channel 13 and TN for about three decades. the things to go – he adds Ignatius-. The years of the pandemic showed us that there were other realities, I was completing 30 years of work, like a cycle was ending and that’s how we decided. We agreed between the three of us, we talked about it with the family and they said that they were sad because we were leaving, but happy because of the illusion we had of starting over. We packed our bags, moved in with the bare minimum, and set out on an adventure.” “We decided on Valenciawhich is a very beautiful city, because they told us that it was an ideal place for making toys, and because the proximity of the sea was very attractive to both of us”, says Ignacio, who, to round off the idea of the importance of having the waters of the ocean – in this case the Mediterranean– He says his wife is from Puerto Madryn, and “she lived her entire childhood two blocks from the sea.” The adventure of the trip included bringing part of the enterprise that Natalia created in 2004: Natina toys. It is a family business that was born with the creation of a doll made to hug Natalia’s three-year-old niece and grew with these dolls as a standard – now there are three models, Natina, Lala and Mili and they come with a book that explains the benefits of hugs – and a host of other objects designed for children’s play and creativity: horses with wooden sticks and wheels, kits for children to make dolls, rainbows, so that they can build their own toys, small cardboard theaters, “guardrails” and much more. The dolls that hug, by Natina toys.- Source: Instagram @natinajuguetes “We are very playful, we like to play a lot and we like what we make. She designs everything and gives added value to what she does, a concept. She thinks about things, and I am in the technical part of how to bring them to life, how to assemble them”, explains Ignacio, who says that they have already bought a sewing machine and other artifacts for their artisan work of creating toys. Of course For Natina’s magic to flow also in Valencia -the enterprise continues in Argentina, with an important portfolio of clients, by the hand of Malala, Natalia’s sister-, a great effort had to be made. “It was hard for us because it was like starting something new without knowing the cloth he asserts. We had to get suppliers, raw materials, everything to generate production and livelihood here”. Spain They found another reality regarding the materials for the manufacture of toys and that is that everything is made with sustainable products. “Everything is made with organic processes, which do not affect the environment. We take advantage and look for that type of thing that is taken into account here,” he adds. Ignatius.
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