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The flame that calls back. Which is the Argentine creative duo that is back

The most famous brand in Argentine advertising is back. Agulla & Baccetti, the duo that marked the creativity of the ’90s, announced its return to the business world with a proposal adapted to the new economy of cryptocurrencies and NFTs.Ramiro Agulla and Carlos Baccetti announced their new partnership, The Black Minds, which is behind a collection of NFTs – unique assets, like works of art, that are powered by blockchain technology, which is the same technology used by cryptocurrencies. – baptized as La Llama PIC (Politically Incorrect Club) and inspired by the saga of La Llama que llama, its popular dolls originally created for Telecom in the ’90s and which quickly transcended from advertising to the world of entertainment.The new collection features 10,100 unique llamas, which will go on sale through the Ethereum blockchain, one of the most popular cryptocurrencies in the world. For this project, the two creatives also added Patricio Fucks as a third partner, a businessman with a background in the hotel world (he was the owner of the Fën chain, which in 2017 sold it to the Wyndham group) and the new economy (until March of 2020 he was in charge of the WeWork business in Argentina). “What we are facing is a return, not to the same thing we did because you cannot go back to the past. We had been thinking about working together for a long time but we couldn’t find what to do. In the middle they offered us everything, from making a series to a reality show or creating a new agency. But now we feel that the time brought us together. We’re good at reading the era, like we did in the ’90s. And we are convinced that children are more like the time than their parents”explained Agulla in an interview with THE NATION.Ramiro Agulla: “We are good at reading the times, as we did in the ’90s. And we are convinced that children are more like the times than their parents”Twitter @ramiroagulla1 “When we decided to go back to work, we started to investigate how the future is coming, starting from the premise that we did not want to make a business out of nostalgia and from the idea that the digital world can be much better than the real world. Our first purpose in launching the collection is to recapture the sarcastic and politically incorrect spirit that was long lost. We want to generate a great community that shares this thought and this type of humor and our style of art and thus, together, be part of an exclusive club full of benefits and business expectations”, explains Baccetti. “The NFT is a business in full expansion and we believe that they represent a great opportunity to create a community and at the same time generate a good business. At some point, NFTs are the rockstars of this age,” explains Fuks.Carlos Baccetti: “Our first purpose in launching the collection is to recover the sarcastic and politically incorrect spirit that was lost long ago”The launch of the La Llama collection is part of a much broader crusade that Agulla and Baccetti have against the so-called “cancel culture”.“The PIC Llama accuses political correctness of hypocrisy. Today the limits of the prohibition of provocative or incorrect humor have been pushed to the brink of stupidity with authoritarian overtones with their shock arm that they have called ‘The culture of cancellation’, a discourse that has already become dangerous with their attempts to gag, marginalize, ignore, silence and even bring us to public ridicule if we order “black pancakes” in a bakery instead of calling them “black lesbians”. On the other hand, how boring the world would be if we all thought the same”, say the creatives in their presentation manifesto for the NFT collection. Ramiro Agulla and Carlos Baccetti met more than thirty years ago, working for the Young & Rubicam agency. After a brief stint in Verdino, in the mid-’90s they founded their own company that quickly became one of the most successful in Argentine advertising. Together they created several of the most emblematic campaigns of recent decades for brands such as Quilmes, Telecom, Coca-Cola and Renault. Agulla also worked for politics and was responsible for the slogan “They say I’m boring” that helped Fernando de la Rua to reach the presidency. Officially, Agulla and Baccetti said goodbye to the advertising market in 2004 when they sold the shares they held in the agency Agulla & Baccetti to its partners of the English group Lowe.


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