After attending one of the recitals given by the group Coldplay in the River stadium, the former Minister of Education Esteban Bullrich published a heartfelt reflection in his social networks in which he told how did the show live with his family. “The best night since I have ALS”, assured the former senator in a message that was accompanied by a video of the best moments of the concert. The compilation begins with one of the band’s most emotional songs, FixYou. Esteban doesn’t move his mouth, but he sings, in his mind and in his heart. He knows the lyrics, just like all the members of his family, who accompany him by his side. He is excited, he cries, with joy on a magical night, as he will describe it later. The video, which shows images of his time at the recital, tells the emotions Bullrich felt with a narration made with a digital version of his own voice. “I’m singing but I don’t make a sound. No matter. I continue to sing along with a full and excited stadium that sings like me, but their voices are heard. It is very emotional, like the lyrics that we sing from the heart all together”, started. As he describes, Chris Martin and his band manage to generate joy and tears of emotion in each of their shows. The former senator mentions the bracelets as the main protagonists of the night and highlights Coldplay’s commitment to caring for the environment. “When the show started, the bracelets lit up and I vibrated with them, my body lit up like a prisoner of a spasm that are common in ALS. But this one was different was born from the heart and not from a motor neuron that stopped working,” he said. In his account, he also mentioned his pain at not being able to dance with his wife. “Not being able to dance with the love of my life, but with my heart jumping to his beat, smiling at everyone so they would know I was enjoying myself and grateful to be there,” he said. “At the end of the recital, the band sang Fix you, a hymn. As I listened to the song, tears streamed down my face. At that moment all the lights guided us to that patio that through the magic of four musicians became our home. And for that time we all, illuminated by the lights of the bracelets, feel embraced, healed and repaired. The magic of Coldplay. The magic of music. #Coldplayenba”, he expressed. Last Saturday, at the end of the show, Bullrich received an exciting recognition by the public present, who applauded him fervently and did not stop shouting messages of support. The leader of Together for Change, who suffers from a neurodegenerative disease, was visibly moved by that forceful expression of affection from the people. The images of Bullrich’s departure from the recital Coldplay were uploaded on Saturday night by Jonathan Viale to his Twitter account. “This is how they applauded Esteban Bullrich at the Monumental at the exit of the Coldplay recital. Exciting”, the LN+ journalist wrote in his post. Esteban Bullrich was applauded by the people at the exit of the Coldplay recital in RiverIn the images you could see the former senator who was moving in his wheelchair towards the exit of the stadium accompanied by his wife, Maria Eugenia Sequeiros and his sonswhile the crowd that surrounded him at the River exit applauded him fervently and shouted slogans like: “Come on, Stephen!”, “Bravo”, “Strength!”, “Genius”. There were also shouts and applause for the family of the leader, who does not stop accompanying him in this difficult moment of his life. LA NACIONMeet The Trust Project
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