Russian skaters-champions are torn to the second Olympics. Defeated everyone in Russia, but everything does not depend on them

Mishina / Galyamov are invincible. Not once three years after the Olympic Games Alexandra Boykov and Dmitry Kozlovsky They did not fall below the top 3 in the short program. Yes, and the third position at the Russian championship happened for the first time: before they could only give in to the principled rivals Anastasia Mishina and Alexander Gallyamov. In the context of the struggle for a place on the Olympic selection of their positions, they became as shameful as possible. How did the Russian Grand Prix final end in Krasnoyarsk at sports couples? Boykova/Kozlovsky could not rehabilitate in arbitrary. The start after the start they look worse – now even the former merits do not save. The rental, to put it mildly, came out far from the ideal. Moreover, both partners jammed this time: Dmitry fell on a parallel triple sheepskin coat, Alexander landed from the ejection-Rittberger on two legs, and in a cascade of triple salkhov and two hollows, the first double axel turned into a single one. You can’t look without tears. It is insanely insulting that such a talented duo not only loses its former gloss, but makes a giant number of mistakes.Alexander Myysyakin, Sport24 -Officer failure of Boykova/Kozlovsky could completely deprive their place on the pedestal. Anastasia Mukhortova/Dmitry Evgenyev They were as close as possible to the first large medal in an adult career – the mistakes of classmates gave them a great chance to compete. At first, the skaters kept confidently, although they dirty the little things on jumping elements. The dreams of the medal, alas, collapsed after the breakdown of the support of Axel-Lasso. Before the bronze, just those 7-8 points were not enough, which cost a wake element.Natalia Khabibullina / Ilya KnajukIt seems that they finally fixed in the status of the second pair of the country. In fact, the couple was mistaken in only one place – the partner fell from an unfinished Rittberger. Khabibullina and Knyazhuk were greatly added both in skill and in the presentation – and the judges began to evaluate this. Even with a decrease in an unclear rib on the triple Lutz and the fall, Natalya and Ilya received very decent points (142.76) and for the first time in their career by guessing Boykov/Kozlovsky. The question with the place of reserve for the Olympic selection was closed by itself.Alexander Myysyakin, Sport24uu A Anastasia Mishina And Alexander Galliamov Once again they confirmed their place. Their ability to drag elements without gross breaks is striking, even when visually there is roughness. One of the most nervous rolls by their standards is only a nit -pick. In Russia, as in the world, there are no more couples with such an important quality.Anton Sikharulidze Recently, he argued that the international federation leaders have no complaints. If this is true, then there should be no doubts about choosing the main candidates. Mishina and Galyamov deserved the right to go to the second Olympics. Who, if not they? The guys can only wait.Alexander Myysyakin, Sport24 Testing top duets now can only wait for the decision of special commissions. It will be unrealistic to win such Russians – no one can stop Anastasia and Alexander.

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