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Results under the magnifying glass. Is the Ministry of Women effective?

Just over two years after the creation of the Ministry of Women, Gender and Diversity, management evaluations are heterogeneous, but there is agreement that the greatest slope is the prevention against violence and access to free legal advice. In the credit column, on the other hand, the policies to promote respect for diversity.Last year, according to data from La Casa del Encuentro, there were one gender-based murder every 29 hours305 in all of 2021. Those are the numbers they keep on alert to all organizations working on the issue. According to the management report of the Ministry that leads Elizabeth Gomez Alcortain these two years they attended 330,000 consultations for gender violence in 144, attended directly to 1,350,000 people in situations of violence or violation of rights, reached 128,000 with the Accompany program and financially helped 370 relatives of victims of femicides, transfemicide and transvesticide. The 2021 budget of the portfolio was $17,582 million, executed in 96.73% according to the Ministry itself and in 93.3% according to the Open Budget portal. For this year, the same amount was assigned since the budget was not approved in Congress.The budget allocated to the Ministry of Women was increased three times TélamThe original fund last year was $6.2 billion and It was extended three times. Of the total of $17,582 million, $16.170 million were assigned to line 144 and programs such as Articular (grants resources to social organizations that work in community areas related to gender-based violence), Produce (finances productive projects for victims of violence) and Accompany (provides economic support equivalent to the minimum, vital and mobile salary for six consecutive months for victims of gender violence). The experts on the subject consulted by THE NATION They consider the creation of the Ministry an achievement – a request that the organizations had been carrying out for years – but they admit that they expected more “effectiveness” in their actions and a “more federal” arrival. In this sense, they insist that the reality of women and the LGBTIQ+ community in cities is not comparable to that of rural areas and regions of native peoples. Accompany Program It is one of the ones that generated the most expectations, but -according to what the specialists understand- it needs greater consolidation. Admission to the program takes place through local or provincial Support Units (UDA), which carry out risk assessment in situations of gender violence: there are 622 UDA in the country, in 598 municipalities from all provinces. Ada Ricopresident of the Civil Association La Casa del Encuentro, maintains that the scheme should be more extended and more easily accessible, less bureaucratic. “We continue to demand the full operation at the national level of all the announced measures,” synthesize.The results in violence prevention, among the most questionedFABIAN MARELLIFabiana Tunez, head of the National Women’s Institute during the macrista administration and co-founder of the Las Julietas space, insists on the need for more work “in territoriality” and a hierarchy of issues in which to advance. “Beyond the Accompanying Program and some measures for diversity, the gender agenda has lost effectiveness”, she says. “The incorporation of the trans quota into the public sector, the recognition of gender parity in different private and public areas and the participation of the Ministry in the law of voluntary interruption of pregnancy and the 1000 days are important actions. In addition, a number of programs were created to support those who are in a situation of poverty and need”, highlights Mabel White, head of the Foundation for the Study and Research of Women (Feim). In his opinion, there is also a lack of more emphasis on policies against violence and on ordering the task so that there is no “overlapping” with provinces and municipalities. Official data shows 223,414 calls to 144 during 2021, of which 113,135 were made by people in situations of gender violence, and the intervention in 25,271 cases. In terms of the campaign, the dissemination pieces on prevention exceeded 800,000 views and 2 million SUBE cards with references to the subject were handed out. For Bianco, “more attention and interest in prevention actions” of violence are lacking. In this sense, he stresses that it is necessary to “intensify” the application of the Comprehensive Sexual Education Law: “There should be more dedication to prevention, also in what concerns violence and child sexual abuse,” he affirms. The latter is in the hands of the National Secretariat for Children, Adolescents and Family (Senaf). The specialist points out that at the “greater articulation” achieved with different areas, “you have to print faster”.The experts consulted emphasize that a key aspect to improve is the access to free legal sponsorship of the victims. The body of lawyers created by law for this purpose came under the purview of the Ministry in the middle of last year. The NGOs and associations maintain that they register claims and requests because it is difficult to obtain this help. protection must be comprehensive and effective with an accompaniment in all areas -reviews Rico-. Until comprehensive social and cultural change comes they continue to kill us, the implementation of the measures must be in its entirety. It is today and it is now.” Bianco agrees that, in the field of legal assistance, no progress is in sight.Gómez Alcorta, in a recent meeting between women in TecnópolisTuñez, considers that in the second National Plan of Actions against Gender Violence, “specific” measures that had been implemented were “leaved aside”. “Some aspects were disarmed and started again. To eradicate violence, state policies consolidated over time are required”, emphasizes the former official. She admits that there are “many and complex” cultural changes that must be achieved to advance in the reduction of violence, but she warns that along the way “priorities must be set” and, in that sense, he believes that the Ministry’s agenda “it was blurringFrom the portfolio, they indicated that in order to have “reliable and timely information” on gender violence, an integrated system was launched a year ago with the adherence of all the provinces. They shared the balance of the Ministry, but pointed out that Gómez Alcorta was not available to speak due to various management activities, some linked to Women’s Day. The official was at the center of the controversy in recent days for a statement referring to the gang rape in Palermo. “It’s your brother, your neighbor, your dad, your son, your friend, your co-worker. He is not a beast, he is not an animal, he is not a herd nor are his instincts unstoppable. None of the events that horrify us are isolated. Each and every one responds to the same cultural matrix ”, she shot on social networks. The questions came from various sectors, not only from the opposition.Although the experts highlight the creation of the Ministry, they demand greater effectiveness and coordination of actions. While Rico assures that they have no link with the Ministry and that they were only summoned to a meeting, Bianco states that there are “consultations” not only with the advisory council but with NGOs, but marks as a “problem” that in the “territorial” visits the invitations are “limited to a closer group or the government.” He hopes that the creation of a registry of entities that work in the sector will help to resolve these problems. “There are many people working on the issues that the Ministry deals with, but there are little professionalism Tuñez analyzes. To generate public policies, it is necessary to tour the country, work in the territory because the reality is very heterogeneous”.


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