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Qatar 2022 World Cup: Dani Alves, the “grandfather” of a squad of figures, ignited the debate in Brazil

The campus of Brazil that the technical director Tite announced for the Qatar World Cup it impacts by its individual hierarchy and variants. Twenty-six footballers to cover all technical, physical and tactical needs. Individualities to be imposed by the control of the ball and also by athletic power. Players who frequent the elite clubs every week, with twelve of them -46 percent of the payroll- in the premier league, Three in Real Madrid, two in paris st germainone in Barcelona and Three in Juventus. There are indisputable holders and a replacement so that the operation and performance are not affected. brazil represents a tank that will be difficult to contain in the Middle East.The payroll left some room for debate due to the absences of Roberto Firmino -lately he is not a starter in Liverpool- and Gabigol, Flamengo’s striker and author of 1-0 in the recent Copa Libertadores final. Of course, it was not easy to find a place among the nine forwards selected.Dani Alves in Pumas, his current club The most striking thing is that among so many names -16 first-timers in World Cups- with outstanding news, one with more past than present. Possessor of a career that deserves reverence and admiration, but that goes through days closer to sunset than a call for a World Cup. More than one Brazilian felt stupefaction when reading the list, Tité mentioned Daniel Alves, what with 39 years He will become the oldest Brazilian to participate in a World Cup. will break the record of the defender Djalma Santos, two-time world champion in 1958 and 1962, who with 37 years He was in the 1966 World Cup, where he played in the 3-1 defeat against Hungary. Since July, Dani Alves has been in UNAM Cougars (Mexico). “He played 12 games, he does it as a midfielder, he tries to carry the team on his shoulder, but it’s not enough. Even his adaptation was not easy for her. He would tell you that so far he has not lived up to expectations. More is expected of him for the next tournament”, comments the journalist Willy Asva.In the Globo poll, 88 percent reject Dani Alves’ call. Tité was asked to explain his choice. “The criteria that I applied with Dani Alves is the same as for everyone. It rewards individual technical quality, rewards the physical aspect and highlights the mental aspect. Some with more than one quality, others with more than another”, said the driver who already led Brazil in the 2018 World Cup, when it was eliminated by Belgium in the quarterfinals. The coach redoubled the bet when he was notified of the criticism he received on social networks: “I didn’t come to please people on Twitter, I don’t even know what percentage of the Brazilian people it represents. I respect different opinions and I am not here to convince everyone. I just want to give informative data so that people can democratically form their own opinion.” In recent hours, among so many memes that portray Dani Alves as an old man slowly chasing Kylian Mbappé, Brazilians ironically point out that Tité achieved the chimera to agree between Lulistas and Bolsonaristas: the majority disagrees with the call for Dani Alves. “How are we going to take a grandfather?”, they express with sarcasm. In a survey carried out by Balloon, the 88 percent disapproved the citation of the ex-partner of Leo Messi in Barcelona. Already in the twilight of his career, Dani Alves managed last season to deny the almanacs with his return to Barcelona, where he shone between 2008 and 2016. He arrived after leaving San Pablo, a team in which he was led by Hernan Crespo and in which he left the right side to fulfill midfield functions. He did it in a somewhat anarchic way, without the manual of balance in movements and coverage that this core area of ​​the field requires. “In San Pablo he played badly, the fans criticized him a lot, and he also had a very high contract”, was the definition of the journalist Luis Augusto.The 26 names of Brazil for the World Cup in QatarHis game is no longer as explosive or enough to make a difference, but his character and temperament remain those of an exuberant person, that helps create optimistic environments. When he returned to Barcelona for a second cycle, she introduced herself with an overwhelming speech: “I wasn’t born to be second, I come to play. I got very heavy with the president (Joan Laporta) telling him and insisting that he wanted to come back and help the club”. He was not registered for the Champions League, he played 14 games (one goal) in the Spanish League and three for the national cups. He left as he had arrived: without knowing whyalso the product of a Barça without a football project. Dani Alves received the call for the World Cup as a blessing: “today is victory day and for that I am very happy. This news fills me with pride and satisfaction. Four years ago we were in the same situation and it turned out that I was out with a serious injury. The tears that were of sadness that day, today, are of joy.Tite shows this Monday the squad list for the World Cup in QatarBuda Mendes – Getty Images South AmericaTo understand Tite’s decision they say that we must pay attention to his coaching condition with memory and feeling. He suffered as much as Dani Alves when an injury prevented him from going to Russia, where he was surely going to be the captain. This will be your third world cup, after participating in those of 2010 and 2014. Sum 125 games and 8 goals with the green-yellow shirt. His incursion in the last qualifying rounds was secondary: he was in four games, the last one in the 4-0 against Bolivia at the height of La Paz, in March of this year. No one imagines him starting as a starter, a condition that he has Daniel on the right side. Although Brazil is a prodigal football in the production of laterals, on this occasion there were not so many candidates ahead of Dani Alves. Perhaps it could have been taken into account EmersonRoyal (Tottenham), which had some calls. On the last FIFA date for those selected, only Danilo was called, while Tite argued that Militao and Fabinho they could also cover the lateral position.Dani Alves and Messi shared a golden age in BarcelonaTite also considered that the call to Dani Alves had no internal resistance in the squad. Moreover, he is seen as someone who, with his positivism and drive, can reinforce the climate of coexistence. Fierce competitor, Dani Alves is the footballer with the most titles in the world, with 46, five more than Lionel Messi, the second on the list. Together they formed a great football partnership on the right wing of Barcelona, ​​where they won 26 titles. Both at club and national level, Dani Alves’ collection of championships is almost complete. He was crowned in two Americas cups, many others confederations cups and last year he had the pleasure of captaining the under 23 that was hung the gold medal at the Tokyo Olympics. He is missing a World Cup. At an age close to the tribute match, Dani Alves is still in time to achieve his greatest glory. Meet The Trust Project


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