Ovechkin rushes to the record of Gretzky and refused to relax in Dubai! The Russian hero will become even cooler after a pause in the NHL?

His coach believes in this. Very soon in the National Hockey League, a break of 10 days begins – the “four nations tournament” starts, where there is no Russian team. For the NHL, such breaks in the middle of the regular championship for the sake of matches of national teams are an unknown thing. And the leadership of Washington Capitals sensibly reasoned that this break would benefit the team veterans and above all – Alexander Ovechkin. Nicko from the coaching staff is not going to load experienced players with training or individual classes. Moreover, the head coach “Capitals” Spencer Karbury He believes that a long break will only benefit the Russian captain, who missed many matches due to a fracture of the leg. “In my view, to miss so much time at 39 and try to return – this is very difficult. I saw the difference in his game before the injury and after. I think he will look even better after the break. This is just my personal opinion. These last 27 games – I look forward to them, ”said Karberi. Ovechkin and his family went to Dubai during the break during a break at the match of all stars and a week pause. Despite the fact that the “camel trip” spurred the hot second half of the season with Ovi, now he is not going anywhere. According to the agent, Ovechkin will remain in North America, but this does not exclude trips, for example, to Florida, where the Alexander's family bought an apartment several years ago. Since then, they regularly visit the solar state.VideoOvechkin lacks only 16 goals to a new record of all time and overcoming the previous achievement Wayne Gretzki. And according to Karberi, the best hockey Ovi this season is still ahead. “I feel that he will add. I just remember how he played at the beginning of the year, but then everything ruined the injury. It will be better. Ovi has another level that he can rise to, ”the coach said. When Ovechkin broke his leg in a match against Utah in November, he was a leader in the NHL with 15 goals in his first 18 matches. The Russian sniper kept a pace at a record for a career of 68 goals and dominated five by five when playing, leaving the top three Dilan Strum And Alexei Protas. Ovechkin's production has decreased slightly from the moment of his return to Washington at the end of December. “Chemistry” between the Russian and Strum began to disappear, which forced to break the three. Former dominance in conjunction with Pierre-Luc Dubois Ovechkin has not yet arose, but perhaps still ahead. The break will allow Ovechkin to finally remove the leg from the gas pedal and the dumb to forget about the boring pursuit of Gretzky. “It will be good for Alexander. Both in terms of physical readiness, and mentally. Physics – it is still restored after an injury. He will be able to relax and go out finished final 27 matches, ”Karberi said. After Ovechkin, last year, he scored only 8 goals in his first 43 games, he significantly added in the second half. 23 goals in the last 36 matches of the season – it was an impressive spurt that can repeat itself now. More materials about Ovechkin and Washington:

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