When we talk about “infidelity” we usually think of relationships, however, this term encompasses much more. Being victims of such a circumstance is painful, but when we are the ones responsible for failing ourselves, the scar can be even deeper. Have you stopped to reflect on whether you are really being faithful to yourself? This can be the origin of many negative emotions and lack of self-esteem. In today’s post we talk about the fidelity to oneself, such an important aspect to achieve calm, satisfaction and well-being. You want to know more? Keep reading!
It is one thing to live under the dictates of certain social patterns and another, very different, lose our identity by the way. Dreams, goals and illusions define us and turning our backs on them, even unconsciously, will leave a negative mark on us. We can remain integrated in the environment without neglecting listening, the decision about what we want to do and what we don’t. You are the one who marks your path and distance yourself from what you really want it will take you away from the desired well-being and self-realization. It is important in this regard be faithful to your own ideas, principles and convictions; to your needs and desires, even if they are far from the norm! The authenticity It is key to feel your feet on the ground and walk forward with security and firmness. Therefore, our recommendation is that you stop trying to please others and worry about pleasing yourself, loving yourself. The fact of feeling different, of observing that around us the current is heading in the opposite direction to the one we want, can make us doubt our own beliefs. It is possible to stop feeling attraction for what we used to like, stop enjoying the activities we have done so far or consider that it is time to undertake a new personal project. None of this is bad, because it is part of evolution and development. Pretend to shut up that inner voice that guides us in the most authentic way, for not disappointing the rest, not closing stages or even out of fear, can harm us and make us lose our own identity. «Loyalty” Y “honesty» are two concepts that you must integrate and repeat to yourself like a mantra on a daily basis: am I showing loyalty to myself? Am I committed to what I know I want to achieve? Am I honest with my circumstances? Do not be afraid to talk to yourself, to become aware of what is happening inside you and adopt the necessary changes. Sometimes we can getting stuck in a rut or environment that no longer go with us, that do not make us feel fulfilled and forget what pushes us from the desire, motivation and illusion.
To avoid this type of infidelity, it is essential to know yourself and understand yourself. This will help you discover your needs and desires, to guide your daily routine towards the place where you want to be. It seems a fact that each one knows each other perfectly and this does not always happen. Different circumstances can make us move away from what we really are and want, from what we like and what worries us. Therefore, it is convenient to keep this aspect in mind, to rediscover yourself and truly be passionate. Knowing yourself you can also understand many of your behaviors and stop blaming yourself for things that did not happen as you had imagined, or that you did not do as you would like. Start by asking yourself: who am I? What do I like? What do I want to do? Do my behavior and attitude bring me closer to the place where I want to be? What am I afraid of? well?, do my interpersonal relationships add up?, do I still feel the same about this job, this person, this city?
Our beloved psychologist from the Vikika Team, Dunia (@dunia.vikikateam), has talked to us about infidelity and has opened a new little door in our minds that invites us to reflect. And it is that in the same way that we feel hurt when a third person is unfaithful to us, being unfaithful to ourselves also has consequences. When we set ourselves certain challenges and purposes and do not fulfill them, they can wake up Feelings of guilt and mistrust of our own abilities and this makes us feel bad. For this reason, being responsible for that fidelity is the first step to achieving the objectives and projecting ourselves towards an authentic, realistic and happy future.
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