Jony Viale: “Everything ends one day, the important thing is to realize when”
One day Rome fell. One day Hitler fell. And one day the Berlin Wall fell. Even the strongest empires in the world will one day fall. The important thing is to realize when it starts to happen.When did Hitler fall?When Soviet troops entered Germany and divided the country into eight. That was the beginning of a humiliating, degrading, embarrassing fall. And just as Hitler fell before Rome had fallen.When does Rome fall? On August 24, 410. That day the famous sacking of Rome took place. It was the culmination of 15 years of rebellion by “the Goths.”What is the data? When Rome falls, the wave sweeps everything away. When Rome falls, popular drivers fall. When Rome falls, her means fall; rented militancy falls; the mafia and all-powerful trade unionists fall; The shock forces fall, like Pata Medina. I share with you an image that depicts the end of the era. Moyano has been the undisputed leader of truckers for 35 years; Moyano has been president of Independiente for 8 years; Moyano is, without a doubt, the most powerful and millionaire trade unionist in Argentine history. However, we are all seeing the end. Marcelo Tinelli was the master of Argentine television for the last 30 years. All the presidents surrendered at his feet. Any candidate knew that he had to parade and make a fool of himself. This weekend Marcelo Tinelli resigned from the presidency of San Lorenzo. You notice what the sunset is. It was the man-success; he was the man-power; he was the man-rating; he was about to be president of the AFA. There was once talk of him as a candidate for president of the Argentine Nation. Today he was left with nothing after having gone unnoticed by that infamous table of hunger.Do you get my point? It is not personal. When Rome falls, she wears everything; it drags everything… Even the most popular symbols. So not only an electoral defeat is taking place, but also the cultural defeat of populism, and that includes artistic symbols; journalistic; sports; trade unions; and politicians. Then, that confusion is transferred to the internal wing of power.Today the Front of All is the front of chaos.Today the Front of all is the front of all against all. Why? Because nobody wants to be stuck at the end of the era; because nobody wants to be the face of defeat because nobody wants to be the symbol of decadence. Who did Kirchnerism choose as marshal of defeat? To Alberto Fernandez. Why do they beat Alberto and Guzmán every day? Because they are cowards; Because they are cowardly; Because they do not take responsibility for defeat; They are very obvious. They are manual. Alberto and Guzmán are the bad guys who adjust. Cristina is the fairy of the poor, who is “furious” with the adjustment. Mrs. Bonafini: if her president for life, Cristina Kirchner, is so angry with this shitty government, then she should go; for her to quit. And the same Volnovich in the PAMI; Raverta in the Anses; Ceriani in Airlines; and Y González in YPF.Martín Guzmán, in Casa Rosada: it is the axis of the jerks of power within the Government Rodrigo Nespolo – LA NACION “acting” pathetic. Not to mention Maximo Kirchnerwhat did he say: “How come (Guzmán) doesn’t get involved in power disputes?”Do you really believe that the problem of Argentina is called Martín Guzmán? Guys, in the last 20 years 19 economy ministers have passed. And Argentina has more and more inflation, more poverty and more devaluation:-Machinea-López Murphy-Cavallo-Nicolás Gallo-Capitanich-Frigerio-Remes Lenicov-Lavagna-Felisa Micheli-Peirano,-Lousteau.-Carlos Fernández-Boudou-Lorenzino-Kicillof-Prat Gay-Dujovne-Lacunza-GuzmánThe problem of Argentina are not the economy ministers; The problem is that Kirchnerism is a machine to scare away investors: Argentina’s problem is not personal or ideological, it is conceptual. Kirchnerism has been kicking out capital for 20 years. Look at the “brilliant” comment Máximo Kirchner made about the new owner of Twitter, Elon Musk… Máximo Kirchner angry with Elon Musk; just like Nicolás del Caño, calling him “parasite”. Do you know how many jobs Elon Musk’s companies generate? 120,000. While the spout handles the UBA photocopier.You look at what Elon Musk’s companies are:-Tesla (electric cars);-Paypal (online payments);-SpaceX (space transportation);-Starlink (low-cost satellite internet);-Neuralink (artificial intelligence) What does Máximo Kirchner handle? The basic units of La Cámpora. What is my point? Máximo Kirchner – 45 years old, already a big boy – looks more and more like a Trotskyist from the Partido Obrero. What does this mean? That Kirchnerism is becoming more and more like an anti-system party; that they are seeing the fall coming.Borges used to say: “Defeat has a dignity that noisy victory does not deserve.” He is right; The problem with Kirchnerism is that they are not worthy of defeat.