After the scarce convocation of the first act in the Buenos Aires suburbs, the internal one exploded inside the libertarian space that surrounds Javier Miles. the leader Carlos Maslaton launched furious criticism on Saturday against the deputy’s sister, Karina Miles, and against the shipowner Carlos Kikuchi and accused them of leading the movement “to catastrophe”. “Milei must listen to the people or it will collapse. In the last six months he was surrounded by the Karina-Kikuchi axis, two unbalanced that are leading it to disaster. They look like two infiltrators from Sombrilla Larreta, ”Maslatón stated in one of his messages, in which he also ranted against the head of the Buenos Aires government, Horacio Rodríguez Larreta.Carlos Maslatón, Javier Milei’s “free pointer” asked to redirect the course of the campaign. Gerardo Viercovich Maslatón, a lawyer by profession, is a former Buenos Aires legislator from the UCeDé who defines himself as a “free pointer” for Milei. Last year he gained importance from his contribution to the economist’s campaign. After the low turnout for the recent event at the The Future Clubin Gerli, the leader showed his disgust with the latest movements in the space. “All the liberal militants of the Argentine Republic support Javier Milei President 2023 to death. But none of us is going to accept any more orders from Karina Milei, cheap dictator and ignorant in all respects, nor of the infiltrated traitor of Carlos Kikuchi”, he shot in his networks. Karina Milei, the deputy’s younger sister, is one of the campaign’s strategists. She is part of the economist’s inner circle and has her full backing. “He is the most wonderful human being on the planet.”, has been defined by the author of “El Camino del libertario”. In addition, he said that, if he arrived at the Casa Rosada, she would assign him the role of first lady. As a detachment from the act in Gerli, Maslatón exposed a showdown between the sector that responds to the deputy’s sister and Carlos Kikuchi and the core “Allies Advance (ALA)”, in which he was included together with the Buenos Aires legislator and broker Ramiro Mara. as counted THE NATION, ALA organized an initiative to transfer militants in buses to the suburbs. “The great star of the night in Gerli was neither Milei, nor Dipy, nor Karina, nor Kikuchi. The political star was the head of Avanzan los Aliados, the great Ramiro Marra. Master of mobilization, he was magnanimous in his victory and collaborated with five columns for the act of the contras”, he asserted.
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