Isn't there that phrase: “This meeting could be an email” ? Well, it's the same with people who don't like to receive voice messages and think: “This audio could be a text message” .
Come with me, then, to see how you can optimize your audios before sending out a massive podcast on the messenger .
Is there anything more annoying than five-minute audio where only one minute is relevant and the other four are replays and long pauses?
For this reason, structuring well the idea of what you want to send makes all the difference: it optimizes your time and who will receive the message; makes information crisp and straightforward; and it doesn't make communication dull.
So, before sending an audio, whether it's to a friend or, mainly, about work matters, stop and reflect:
Separating the audio into ideas, as if they were chapters, following the structure of a book, makes everything even easier, because the audio doesn't get long and you can apply the previous tip by organizing the subjects to be covered point by point.
If, in the structure of the audio idea, you noticed that many topics need to be addressed, divide them into small audios, as if you were building a little story that follows a narrative line.
With this tip, it is also easier to leave breathing spaces for the person to answer each point discussed, subject of the next tip.
Not only to create an organization, breaking audios into response spaces also helps the recipients to organize their own ideas and have time to respond to each one.
No pressure or rush to want to get through it all at once. Think about using the resource to make it good for you who will send it and who will receive it, agreed?!
It doesn't always have to be completely formal and tight. If there is room for informality to enter, take advantage of it. Think of audio as a friendly conversation, as if you were face-to-face with the person.
Putting your personality and, above all, bringing lightness to the audios, allows the conversation to become more fluid for everyone and, especially, more pleasurable for those on the other side listening.
Laugh, converse naturally and bring feeling (but no stalling). One advantage of audios is the satisfaction of a person's actual reactions. Are you going to say that listening to a friend's laughter or a response to a frill like that is no longer gratifying? We end up having fun, which makes the conversation much healthier.
It's like I said at the beginning of the text, the audio on WhatsApp has its charm.
Tell the truth, in the daily rush, it makes it much easier not to stop to type a message, especially those that need more complex details and explanations. In this case, pressing the audio button makes our life easier. And that already brings us to another advantage of the resource: that the real voice gives us the right clarification on the subject.
Most of the time, we don't know what tone the person wants to use when a text message is sent, which leads to confusion and even discussions about supposedly “gross” speeches. With audio, reactions are clearer as I mentioned in the last tip.
But not only that. One of the biggest advantages of audio on WhatsApp is the fact that it is not a simultaneous communication . In other words, you don't have to answer the person right away, like in a phone call. You will have time to listen, absorb, analyze and work out an ideal answer. No pressure around here.
So, just take the tips I've posted here and apply them to your daily life. Sending audios on WhatsApp is, yes, interesting and much more agile, but using the resource in a well-thought-out way is even better.
I hope this content has helped you to think about voice messages in a more positive way.
With information: Repeller and Mashable .
How to optimize your audios before sending a "podcast" on WhatsApp
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