This Monday begins the last week of October, which will close with the Halloween celebration. As usual, the tarot reader and astrologer Jimena the Tower public on their YouTube channel predictions for each sign in the week from October 24 to 30and noted that the Moon in Scorpio will bring renewal in this days. In addition, he warned of the effects that this Tuesday’s eclipse could cause: “Let’s not take it so seriously, this partial eclipse, because it will be more affected later. This Sunday, the entrance of the Sun in Scorpio arrived, and also you can join the energy of the words of expiration, mourning and terminationto do the path that asks you to do this week”, he pointed out. The predictions of Jimena La Torre in the last week of October. This sign, assured the expert in astrology, he feels “comforted” and will bring “a lot of celebration”. “Scorpio is ruled by Mars, as is Aries, and they feel like they’re doing a good thing when it comes to situations that have to do with containing the family unit,” he noted.Aries feels “comforted” and will bring “a lot of celebration”. And she added: “They are asked for temperance and to be careful. Try to use the third eye of peace and love a lot.”Taurus will bring temperance.Video captureUnder the 10 of Pentacles card, The Tower predicted a positive week for Gemini. “He is the great friend of Scorpio. He represents two 8’s, which have to do with the stabilityand two suns that have to do with the security that your family gives you. You will do very well in your economic part, ”she pointed out.A Gemini will do very well financially. Video capture “He will be number 1, outstanding in this time of the sun in Scorpio”, announced the tarot reader. In addition, she encouraged this sign to make investments.Cancer predictions for this week. Video captureLeo is in a stage of emotional growth. The astrology expert pointed out that this sign is surrounded by “a lot of fertility” and that, most likely, “the news of a birth in the family” will reach them.Leo is in a stage of emotional growth.Video captureUnder the 10 of Cups card, this sign “They will advance in situations that have to do with the family”. La Torre revealed that they are probably “going to organize a celebration.”Virgo’s predictions for this week.Video capture“Until today, Libra was number one and now they have the benefit of Scorpio gives them the chance to find that love they deserve so much”, described the author.Libra could find love. Video capture The tarot expert highlighted that Scorpio is the sign that “holds this week”. And she added: “There’s a growth, an order and establishes a time of peace”.Scorpio is the sign that holds this week. Video capture This sign will want to renew itself. “It feels a bit awkwardbecause the Sun entered the previous sign, so the important thing is to take advantage of medical check-ups and take care of yourself, “said La Torre.Sagittarius feels a bit uncomfortable. Video capture“Capricorn supports the family with all the love and growth. Also, wait for the arrival of family news and, why not, also work, where there is a very positive growth process!, revealed the astrologer.Capricorn’s predictions for this week. Video capture The astrologer pointed out that Aquarius he will learn to fly to the same side as his partner. “The sun in Scorpio is a bit uncomfortable, because it forces you to settle in, but it will do you very well,” she stressed.Aquarius will learn to fly on the same side as their partner. Video capture They are the kings of this Scorpio situation. “it will be brilliant. With very good job and affective news and, in addition, the family will give them the possibility of further growth”, he concluded.Pisces predictions for this week. Capture video LA NACION