Categories: Lifestyle

Holiday has Armin van Buuren and Guilherme & Santiago: see the itinerary

The 7th of September holiday is knocking at the door and, with it, a series of concerts, parties and exhibitions in all parts of Brasília. From Tuesday (6/9) to Wednesday (7/9), events such as Na Praia and Expoabra 2022 take over the federal capital. Granja do Torto from the 6th to the 18th of September. This Tuesday (6/9), the singers Guilherme & Santiago, George Henrique & Rodrigo, Diego & Arnaldo and Eric Land will take the stage at a great opening party.

On the coast, Na Praia brings Dennis DJ and his daughter, Tília, in addition to the pagode group Di Propósito on Tuesday. On Wednesday, DJs Armin van Buuren and Kaskade prepare a great performance for fans of electronic music.

On the Beach: learn more about the foot in the sand festival of Brasília
3 Cards_Galeria_de_Fotos (7)After two years, the Na Praia event returned to the federal capital to be redesigned and in a new location, in the Setor de Clubes Sul. Now, the seasonal music festival becomes an experience park that will remain in Brasilia until September 11Matheus Veloso/Metrópoles******Foto-event-Na-Praia-festival (1)In the Aloha Hawaii-themed complex, people from Brasilia can enjoy the traditional mix of music, gastronomy, sports and children’s activities, but all with a new lookRegis Velasquez/ especial metropolesAdvertising from the partner Metrópoles 1******Foto-event-Na-Praia-festival (2)In the list of shows at Na Praia, which began on July 2nd, there are names like Jorge & Mateus, Xand Avião, Ferrugem, Ludmilla, Xamã, among others Disclosure******Foto-event-Na-Praia-festival (3)One of the novelties of the edition is the day use. This season, people from Brasilia can guarantee their tan and enjoy programs designed for each weekend Hugo Barreto/ MetrópolesPublicity by partner Metrópoles 2******Foto-event-Na-Praia-festival (4) From Monday to Friday, it will also be possible to practice beach tennis and other sports and physical activities carried out in partnership between Na Praia and the O2 gym. Zunia will coordinate an exclusive space for children with a playroom, summer camp and an area for birthday parties.******Photo-event-On-the-Beach-festival (5)The experience park also has a gastronomic village composed of restaurants and bars with services for all tastes. Among them are: Coco Bambu, Marzuk, Casa Baco, Superquadra, De Paulina, Bolo da Ivone, American Cookies and Dog da IgrejinhaRegis Velasquez/ MetrópolesPublicity of the partner Metrópoles 3******Foto-event-Na-Praia-festival (6)According to Grupo R2, organizer of the event, the idea is to go beyond the Na Praia festival and create a park of foot-in-the-sand experiences with several seasons Régis Velásquez /Metropolises*******Foto-event-Na-Praia-festival (7) Also according to the company, “the complex works on a sustainability strategy based on the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), a global agenda of the Organization of the United Nations (UN) to offer a better world by 2030”Matheus Veloso/ MetrópolesPublicity of the partner Metrópoles 4******Foto-event-Na-Praia-festival (8)According to them, the project already has the title of largest zero waste event in the world, for redirecting waste to landfills, and donated more than 354.42 tons of food collectedDisclosure0For those who prefer a lighter program, Brazólia will have, on Wednesday, a pagode circle with more than 3 hours of music with the Clima group. On Tuesday, the band Rock Beats from Brasilia also performs at the Brazólia space with the show Festa.On Tuesday, the Cazuza in Concert project arrives at Pontão do Lago Sul, with a tribute to the singer. will be open in Brasilia. The Beyond Van Gogh event, the world’s largest immersive exhibition of the work of the Dutch genius, continues in the parking lot of Park Shopping in a huge pavilion covering 2,500 square meters.William & James, George Henry & Rodrigo, Diego & Arnald and Eric Land
This Tuesday (6/9), at 7pm, at Parque da Granja do Torto. Tickets: R$ 60 (Arena sector) and R$ 230 (Cafe de Lá Musique cabin). Values ​​referring to the half-price. On sale online. Not recommended for children under 16.Dennis DJ and Tília + Di Purpose
This Tuesday (6/9), at 6pm, at the Setor de Clubes Esportivos Sul. Tickets: R$ 166. Price referring to the half-price. On sale online. Not recommended for children under 16.Armin van Buuren + Kaskade
This Wednesday (7/9), at 18 pm, in the South Sports Clubs Sector. Tickets: R$ 106. Price referring to the half-price. On sale online. Not recommended for children under 16.Banda Rock Beats
This Tuesday (6/9), at 8pm, at Brazólia Cozinha e Bar (SGO Q 03). Tickets: R$ 50. On sale online.Banda Clima
This Wednesday (7/9), at 3 pm, at SGO Q 03 (near the Palácio do Buriti). Tickets: R$ 30. Value referring to the promotional lot. On sale online.Cazuza in Concert
This Tuesday (6/9), at 9 pm, at Villa Gourmet BB Seguros (Pontão do Lago Sul). Tickets: R$ 30. On sale online. Free indicative rating.Beyond Van Gogh
From 8/4 (Thursday) to 10/30, in the parking lot of Park Shopping, in Brasília. When: Monday to Saturday, from 10 am to 10 pm (Sessions every 20 minutes, with the last entry being at 9:20 pm) and Sundays, from 10 am to 8 pm. Tickets from R$ 35. Classification: Free. Children under 12 years old enter accompanied. For sale online and on the 2nd floor, next to the Park Shopping cinema Want to stay up to date with the world of celebrities and receive the news directly on your Telegram? Enter the Metrópoles channel and follow the editorship on Instagram.


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