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From Tinelli to Griezmann. The dance technique that prevents mental illness and improves aerobic capacity

>LA NACION>HealthOctober 18, 202223:09Technique, precision and coordination. The shuffledance It came to break the rules and impose new parameters. It is a dance method that although it is not modern – its origin dates back to the 1920s approximately – in recent years it has gained great relevance by going viral on social networks through challenges that were shared and spread by its users who quickly They became fans of this style. And part of its resurgence is associated with the emblematic online game known as Fortnite, back in 2018, where before starting the game, its characters did some of these steps. Such was its popularity that this practice soon became a trend and was adopted, among others, by different personalities: from Marcelo Tinelli, who included this style in the repertoire of the ShowMatch contest, to the renowned Atlético de Madrid footballer, Antoine Griezmann who celebrates his goals and the triumph of his team with this type of choreography.In this dance, nothing is left to chance and each step is carefully thought out. It is usually an activity that is done in pairs or in a group. Its main motto is footwork, that is, the synchronized movement of feet and arms, which are performed in two times and create figures to the rhythm of techno or electronic music, which forces the person to perform a fast, dynamic and energy-charged movement, where aerobic resistance governs. “The basis of the Shuffle is the coordination and dissociation of the legs as well as sudden changes of direction and jumps”, explains Mariana Kras, who in full quarantine became an expert on the subject when she began with her husband to enter this world and share her videos on Instagram and TikTok, which today cause a sensation. This choreographic process requires, on the one hand, a lot of attention, memory and concentration, and on the other, a share of consciousness and body flexibility, “It allows you to change your pose, weight and movement at any time,” adds Kras. And although starting it seems like an impossible mission, deep down it is not. In this technique there are three star steps that are considered as “the fathers of the Shuffle”. “The running man It is the flagship and the best known. It simulates walking on the spot and has many variants: it can be done with impact, sliding, going backwards, to the sides, with more or less tip. Then there’s the T Step, which is another classic and is based on raising and lowering the leg in a flexed 90 degree manner. Lastly, the charlestone, they take their legs stretched out forward and alternate them”, details Agostina Adi, a professional dancer specialized in Shuffle Dance, and clarifies that all these steps are in turn combined by the movement of the arms. If there is something that abounds, it is the benefits of all kinds, from physical, through mental and even spiritual. In this line, Kras highlights the aerobic aspect as one of the main ones as it is a dynamic activity where “you are constantly jumping”. It adds the strengthening of the muscles that will work, to a greater or lesser extent, according to the support given to the body. “In general, all of the legs are exercised: calves, quadriceps, hamstrings, as well as the abdominal area, which is what will provide stability, so the exercise is complete,” explains Kras.“You gain a lot of agility in the legs, because it is a very intense dance”, says Adi and for all those who practice it or are just starting out, he recommends complementing it with a bodybuilding training. “In this way, the muscle gets even more strength and is protected from possible injuries, in parallel, it will be more solid to execute the movements”, clarifies Adi. On a mental level, Kras assures that “it gives you a shot of positive energy and it helps you release stress”. Although there is no exact date or place where the Shuffle Dance arose, history estimates that it was to late 19th and early 20th centuries in the United States, specifically in the cosmopolitan city of New York, the cradle of cinema, theater and immigration, and which was the result of a combination of African and Irish dance based on the movement of the legs and the tips of the feet.The Shuffle Dance is usually a rhythm that is danced in pairs or in a group shutterstock – ShutterstockAt first it was pure improvisation, for many years it was even associated with Freestyle or free dance, which was not given much importance and that in fact, was classified as a game or a kind of fun. Over time, it incorporated a new feature and began to be practiced in pairs, one in front of the other, where their movements had to go hand in hand and connect with each other. However, it was just in the ’80s that began to gain popularity at electronic parties in England and Australia. Over time, this last country dubbed its dancers as Shufflers, and in the 2000s – along with the emergence of technology – they saw the opportunity to share these disruptive choreographies on YouTube, the social network of that time. that came to entertain and dazzle the public in the face of perfect coordination. And its dissemination was of such magnitude that today it captures the attention of young and old who challenge and test themselves with this practice. There are several axes that are promoted by dance, whatever the style. Kras points out that the goal being sought is, “play, have fun, challenge yourself and do new things”, but if there is something in which the Shuffle Dance does not fail, it is in three aspects:Get to know The Trust Project


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