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Comedians defend the “politically correct” tone of Laugh Not to Cry

The movie Laugh Not to Cry arrives in Brazilian cinemas this Thursday (20/10). Between humor and drama, the feature tells the story of Flávio (Rafael Cortez), a stand-up comedian who loses his mother due to cancer. During the film, however, the character learns to live with grief and starts to make fun of the disease. During the film’s press conference, Mariana Xavier, Renato Albani, Oscar Filho and Catarina Abdalla, Cibele Amaral (film director ) and Patrick de Jongh (producer) talked about the limit of humor and the film’s position in this controversial discussion.

“We try, because I think the world is changing, this process of deconstructing our prejudices and a lot of things that we brought, and have been doing wrong over many generations. This changes and we learn. It is necessary to be open to listen to criticism, to reinvent yourself. I really like the mix of styles (drama and comedy)”, said Mariana.

Laugh-To-Don’t-Cry-CinemaRir-To-Don’t Cry, starring Rafael Cortez, hits theaters next Thursday (10/20) DisclosureLaugh-Not-Cry-CinemaThe comedian makes a stand-up celebrityDisclosureAdvertising by partner Metrópoles 1Laugh-To-Not-Cry-CinemaThe film also features Fafy Siqueira, Catarina Abdalla…DisclosureLaugh-Para-Não-Chorar-CinemaSergio Loroz, among other artistsDisclosureAdvertising by partner Metrópoles 2Rir-Para-Não-Chorar-CinemaThe direction was made by Cibele Amaral, from Brasilia.Laugh-To-Not-Cry-CinemaScene of Laughing Not to CryDisclosurePublicity of the partner Metrópoles 3Rir-Para-Não-Chorar-CinemaCortez revealed that he recorded a participation in Independências, a series by Luiz Fernando CarvalhoLaugh-To-Not-Cry-CinemaScene of Laughing Not to CryDisclosurePublicity of the partner Metrópoles 4Laugh-To-Not-Cry-Cinemae hopes that Laughing Not to Cry will be a watershed in its lifeDisclosureLaugh-Para-Não-Chorar-CinemaDuring an interview with Metrópoles, the comedian revealed that he wanted to pursue a career in soap operas… Disclosure0Relationship with the publicThe actress is on stage with a comedy show that talks about sensitive topics and used the play to explain more about it. “I had to be very careful about it to find that tone, because I believe a lot in comedy, not only as entertainment, but as a very powerful tool for making criticism, for generating reflection. I think that through laughter, you disarm the viewer so that he receives the message without so much defense”, he added.

“I am absolutely against this speech that you can’t do anything, I think that whoever gets caught up in this type of speech, that he can’t make fun of anything, deep down, doesn’t believe in his own ability to reinvent himself and write new jokes. ”, explained Mariana Xavier.

Comedian, Renato Albani spoke about his perception on the subject. “Obviously, the limit is very important, sometimes we are walking a tightrope between the joke and the offense and what makes us professional is knowing how to deal. But I believe that all subjects can be considered as a joke, not all forms of this subject, hence the difficulty and pleasure of the profession”, he explained. The comedian recalled when he made a joke, not heavy, according to him, but which caused a reaction of a person who had cancer. “She thanked me, because usually people look at her with pity. When I made the joke, she said ‘this guy had no mercy, he went there and made the joke, just like he made a joke about things that happened in his life’. I treated it normally”, she said. Politically correctCibele Amaral, from Brasília and director of the film, explained that she is a super defender of political correctness. “It was a challenge, because my protagonist was a guy who learned, he has a learning journey. He starts the movie in the middle of a crowd that made fun of everything and he did that too. And what he learns at the end of the movie is not to make fun of everything. The plot conveys precisely this message and is even included in the trailer: ‘Why don’t you make fun of skinny, white, straight people? Learn to make a different joke’”, he pointed out. Laughing Not to Cry is a film that brings Cibele’s experience, as the director went through a situation very similar to her mother and even overcame cancer. “She prepared her funeral party, chose the music. The film is to say that death exists, that pain exists and that, many times, you are wanting to fight something that is inevitable”, she revealed.

“This film is very personal and that’s why I feel entitled to talk about it. I have a voice for it. The fact that friends made fun of me is a little bit of what was happening to me at that moment. So, I was very careful with the limit”, completed Cibele.

The film’s producer, Patrick De Jongh, also contributed to the discussion. “We cannot censor our emotions. So, thus, the story of the cancer joke. We put this thing, which has this pseudo-aggression within the film, but the character has a journey, where he redeems himself from it. If, precisely, I have this balance within the film, where I can’t speak against something if I don’t expose that something”, he added. Oscar Filho took the opportunity to agree with Mariana Xavier. “We have a tendency to catalog art, humor or whatever, as a practical thing and many times it is not. Because art absorbs a lot. We are all the time learning. Sometimes you don’t know it’s going to hurt. You can make a joke to 300 people and they all laugh, but sometimes, in another show, almost no one laughs. We go through this all the time”, he concluded. Do you want to stay on top of the world of celebrities and receive the news directly on your Telegram? Enter the Metrópoles channel and follow the editorship on Instagram.


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