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Coldplay in Argentina: the minute by minute of the first show of the British band in River

Two recent and very festive anthems of the band were chosen by Coldplay to close a show that at the end had the section of greater participation of the public together with its luminous bracelets. “Humankind” and “Biutyful” were accompanied by confetti, fireworks and a lot of emotion in a full-throttle closing. And there are still 9 more shows to go… After asking the public what they could do to help those who were having a hard time, Martin asked to raise their hands to send all the love possible from Buenos Aires to Ukraine. That was the prelude to “In my place”, another song from his first albums, in this case from his second, A Rush of Blood to the Head. Then it was time for the emotional “Fix you”, from their third album X&Y.Coldplay at River PlateSantiago Filipuzzi – LA NACIONAfter a brief farewell, accompanied by a lot of confetti rain, the British band returned to the stage to begin the final stretch of the show. “Sparks”, the beautiful ballad from the Parachutes album was the first choice. “It’s the best Tuesday of my life”Chris Martin said at the end.List of Coldplay songs on River PlateWithout cameras, without cell phones and out loud. “A song only with our souls, bodies and voices,” said Chris Martin in Spanish before starting with the song “A sky full of stars”, other of the band’s most popular hits. Chris Martin and a request for A sky full of stars: “A song with only our souls, bodies and voices” Santiago Filipuzzi – LA NACIONComposed together with Jin, from the popular South Korean band BTS, “My Universe” was presented along with a long clip where you could see the members of that group. The singer, a great guest on this tour, will only be at the show on the 28th. As he did on his previous visit, Coldplay returned to pay tribute to Soda Stereo and the Argentine public tonight with his version of “De musica light”, the 1990 classic by the band led by Gustavo Cerati.The public at River Plate, part of the showSantiago Filipuzzi – LA NACIONThe first chords anticipated what was to come: “Viva la vida”, one of the most recent and popular anthems of the band, a great banner of their fourth and homonymous studio album. With those words, all in Spanish, Coldplay vocalist Chris Martin began his usual series of exchanges with the local public. “Thank you for being here despite all the problems in the world. Economic, wars, Covid… Thank you! ”, He finished.Coldplay at River PlateSantiago Filipuzzi – LA NACIONLed as always by Chris Martin, the band burst onto the River Plate stage before a deafening avalanche of screams and an impressive set of fireworks. The first song, strictly respecting the order of their latest album, is none other than the intro to Music of the Spheres, followed later by “Higher Power”. The message is projected on the screens: “Please help load the drums from the show jumping on the kinetic floors”. Then a new kinetic dance party begins, and the people on the left side of the field dance and jump to generate energy. Minutes before, the stadium makes its first “wave” of the night, a classic. Excitement is already in the air as night falls on Núñez.HER, in the preview of the Coldplay show at River PlateSantiago Filipuzzi – La Nación“I would have to open Coldplay, sorry”, Benito Cerati wrote on his Twitter account, opening an unexpected controversy on the networks while Zoe Gotusso carried out his set . While many of her followers decided to agree with her, others understood that his comment was derogatory towards the Cordovan artist, who was chosen as the opening act by the British band.”Coldplay is a band that I love very much and I am very grateful to be with you.” here. The best way to thank him will be to sing well, thank you!” said Zoe Gotusso, the one chosen by Chris Martin’s band to open their shows, minutes after 7:00 p.m. “Maria”, “Amar y parte”, “Rico y Sano” and “Monoambiente” were some of the songs that the Córdoba-born artist chose for her set, which was listened to and applauded with great respect by the audience. “Thank you very much, have an incredible time, enjoy being here a lot. Thanks to Coldplay”, she said before starting her latest song,“ Ganas ”.Zoe Gotusso, at the Coldplay concert opening show Santiago Filipuzzi – La Nacion Shortly before Zoe Gotusso began her set with “Un bossa +”, the public that was settling in the stadium was invited to jump and dance to generate energy that, in Part, it will feed the instruments that the band will use in their presentation. The promise of the sustainable show is managed with concrete actions: there are solar panels that give electricity to the screens of the show, 100 volunteers are called to charge the floors and the energy bicycles, (at some point in the show, they will light up people to to ride bicycles installed on the property) and generate energy to be able to move forward.The kinetic challenge Argentine ingenuity is always the order of the day; It is enough to see the way in which memes multiply on the networks in the face of the result of a football match, the end of a popular series or the announcement of some unsympathetic economic measure. This Tuesday, among the numerous flags that parade this Tuesday through Núñez, one drew special attention: the one that joked with the imposition of the “Coldplay dollar”, a exchange rate that allows the show producers face commitments abroad with a quotation differentiated (a surcharge of 30% over the official value of the US currency). “We became friends here, in line,” say the sisters Rosario (15 years old), Eugenia (19), Paz (22) and their boyfriend Lucas (23), from Balcarce. Along with them are Valeria, who is from Rosario, and Antonella and Fran, from Gualeguaychú. “Coldplay unites. It’s family,” says Lucas. “There is a good vibe in the queue, you can come alone because you are going to make friends here,” they add. Testimonies like this become a constant in the vicinity of the River stadium, hours before the start of the show. Hours before starting the first of their presentations at River, the band published a photo with a Maradonian wink and the hashtag #ColdplayBuenosAires: “The 10 is a magic number. Excited for the first show.” In the image you can see a detail in Will Champion’s battery, alluding to the shirt worn by the late Argentine soccer star and to the ten shows that will take place in the coming days. The Ministry of Transportation and Security of the City of Buenos Aires announced that, for a week and a half, traffic cuts will be carried out on some streets and avenues and the interruption to vehicular traffic will occur from 2:00 p.m. The operation involves cuts on Figueroa Alcorta avenues, between Monroe and Udaondo ; Quintero, between Libertador avenue and Figueroa Alcorta; and Udaondo, between Libertador Avenue and Illia Bridge. The closure of access to the Labruna Bridge was also established.The map with the street closures for the Coldplay recitalsGCBAOn this occasion, the staging of Coldplay will focus on the environment. Through different tools and mechanisms, the group seeks to pollute as little as possible in each of its presentations through, for example, the use of special bicycles to generate energy and encouraging the public to use sustainable means of transport .The British band -composed of Chris Martin on vocals and keyboards, Jonny Buckland on guitar, Guy Berryman on bass, and Will Champion on drums- visits Argentina for the fifth time. His first concerts in these lands, in 2006, were a sellout of three Gran Rex with an intimate proposal. In 2017, they decided to close the world tour A Head Full of Dreams Tour at the Estadio Único de La Plata, the same place where they had started it a year before. With their new presentation in the country, the band manages to beat the record before achieved by Roger Waters at the Monumental in number of tickets sold. The co-founder of Pink Floyd reached nine exhausted River stadiums, although, in his case, eight of the functions were carried out with the field adapted with seats, which reduces the seating capacity.Roger Waters, during one of his shows at RiverFabián MarelliAt 5:00 p.m., as planned, the doors of the stadium were opened. From very early on, many attendees were lining up nearby, determined to find the best seats on the course. As the hours went by, the line on Avenida Del Libertador became crowded to the point of extending to Miguel B. Sánchez street, next to the Obras stadium.With tents and deckchairs since Sunday night, hundreds of people have camped in the vicinity of River, where tonight the group Coldplay begins its historic series of 10 concertsMateos Pepe TELAMEThe River Plate stadium will host this Tuesday night the first of the ten shows that Coldplay will give in Argentina, as part of their Music Of The Spheres World Tour. The British band will offer a recital of between two and two and a quarter hours with many hits from different eras of the group led by Chris Martin, with a nod to their latest album, which gives its name to the tour that began on March 18, 2022 in Costa Rica. and it has already passed through the United States, some cities in Europe and a large part of South America.LA NACIONGet to know The Trust Project


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