The BBB 25 formed, last Sunday (16/3), another wall, which featured three sisters nominated for the first time, since the program became individual. Daniele Hypólito, Eva and Gracyanne Barbosa went to Berlinda after another tense night in Globo reality. Read also television BBB25: poll shows who leaves between Gracyanne, Daniele and Eva Television Eduardo Sterblitch detonates new BBB dynamics: “It was no good idea” little sexologist and former BBB gives 5 tips for making delicious sex television BBB: Sister appears as a favorite to her fifi's showcase even with millions of followers outside the house, the influencer fitness appears in front competitors and thus more likely to leave the attraction. Gracyanne adds, according to the UOL poll, 49.02%, EVA just behind, very close, with 47.27%. Dani, on the other hand, breathes quietly and, so far, with no chance of elimination, with 3.71%. Already Votalhada, which compiles information from websites, YouTube and Twitter, the distance between the participants was even greater. However, Gracy continues to appear as the main public option, with 48.82%. Eva continues on Monday, with 39.76%, and finally Dani, with 11.43%. In all, there were more than 1.2 million votes computed. Gracyanne, like the gymnast, faced the wall when they were still in pairs, with Giovanna, already eliminated, and Diego Hypólito, respectively, but this is the first individual bellinda of the sisters. Eva debuts in dynamics.
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