Categories: Technology

A replica of the prototype of the Xbox console is made – We have to play # 20

# 1. Assassin’s Creed Mirage Confirmed!

Not everyone liked the last part of “Assassin”, or Assassin’s Creed Valhalla. I didn’t like it, but Dorian even liked it, which he wrote about in the game review. But one thing must be admitted to Ubisoft. Valhalla impresses with the world of Vikings, realism and based on audiovisual, but about halfway tired of repetition and artificial extension of the game time. It is not an outstanding game, but on Metacritic it got high marks from both players and reviewers and it is “green”. We already know that the next game in the series will be Assassin’s Creed Mirage.
Assassin’s Creed Mirage / photo by UbisoftUbisoft announced in one of his tweets that he is working on another part of Assassin’s Creed, which has the subtitle Mirage. The game is to go back to the beginning of the series, and the action is to take place in Baghdad in the years 860-870. I do not know about you, but I feel more like Turkey when I look at the above graphics. In any case, more details will be available on Ubisoft Connect, which will be on September 10. Source: Twitter (Ubisoft) via dsogaming

# 2. Hogwarts Legacy Collector with a levitating wand

My dear wizards and dear sorceresses. You already know that Hogwarts Legacy has been postponed to 2023, and if nothing happens, we’ll be playing Potter around February 10th. But after I made up for the book Blood, Sweat and Pixels by Jason Schreier, I won’t be surprised if it turns out that this date will not be kept either. If someone has already set aside their hard-earned money for their Hogwarts Legacy art, then we can start saving even more if they want a collector’s edition. So over three times as much as for an ordinary box.A levitating wand from the Hogwarts Legacy collector’s edition / photo: YouTube (Hogwarts Legacy) And what will we get in a collector? In addition to, of course, the full version of the game with a few digital dupes and early access, there will also be a steelbook and something that will appeal to true fans of Hogwarts. The Collector’s Edition also includes a life-size wand that levitates over the base as an unfolded book. On the one hand, a brilliant gadget for any fan who once flew around the house with a piece of stick and screamed that he was a wizard. On the other hand, is it cool enough to spend over PLN 1,400? Exactly, probably not.

# 3. A replica of the prototype of the Xbox console is made

When I watched a few episodes of Microsoft material about the history of Xbox, I was wondering if such a prototype Xbox would look like on my TV cabinet. Probably Mr. Philip thought so too and said that he would check it. It turns out that he and several people took on a replica of the original prototype of the Xbox console. The same, shiny and futuristic that was shown in 2000 at E3.

It started with a project and you can see that something is already happening there. The first trial 3D prints have already gone and at the end of August the following photo was posted online. There is a reason why next to the prototype replica is the Xbox Series S, because it is the guts of this console that are to be adapted to the new “X” housing. Looks great to me.A replica of the Xbox and Xbox Series S prototype / photo. Twitter (typekzneta) I support as much as when Małysz flew for gold in Predazzo. It is worth saving and following the hashtag #XboxPrototype, because I feel that it will be something fat. Source: Twitter (typekzneta)

# 4. There is a book about the history of Grand Theft Auto

Surely everyone has played or heard in GTA. I remember the times when Grand Theft Auto was played from above on a PC in a strongly yellowed casing. I also remember how long I was looking for a jaw under the desk, when I fired a triple in three-dimensional graphics for the first time, and how long I was collecting for graphics so that I could have more than 16 frames. Well, now we are breaking in GTA V on the next generation of consoles and there is nothing on the horizon that would change it. That’s why I’m glad that GTA will now be… readable.Jacked / fot. Open Beta I mean, you will be able to read a book about the history of the Grand Theft Auto series. The book, Jacked, by David Kushner and published by Open Beta, is 312 pages long and is scheduled for release on September 14th. The pre-sale price is PLN 44.99. And to be clear, this is a deliberate and free placement of this product, because books from Open Beta can simply be taken blindly. I recently finished a Sierra Online history book myself and it was a good read.


Hi, I am Seo expert, an MCU geek, a Star Wars fan, With more than 5 years of experience in the field of entertainment journalism and 28 years of experience in being a movie and TV show geek, I contribute to as its Cheif-Editor. My work here is to provide you with the craftily selected pieces of news from the Entertainment industry so that Pamdemocrat can be your ideal spot for all the latest Hollywood buzz and gossips. Ping me on my email ID below and let's discuss the latest theories and your favorite moments from my favorite TV shows and movies.

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