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A prodigy figure skater from the Tutberidze group is crazy about football. Communicates with Chalov and Golovin, plays in attack

Konstantin LesikDaniil Samsonov told Sport24 about his hobby. 17 year old Daniil Samsonov from the group of Eteri Tutberidze several seasons ago was considered one of the main hopes of Russian figure skating, but health problems occurred, and the single skater had to remain without competition for almost two years. Despite the enormous difficulties, the comeback happened. Danya has healed his injuries, restores difficult jumps and again competes in tournaments. Returning to the field of view of the fans is a good reason to talk about Samsonov from a new perspective. The skater has one big passion – football. Sport24 correspondent Konstantin Lesik went with Danya to one of the matches of CSKA and found out the details of the athlete’s serious hobby.All broadcasts of the third stage of the Russian Grand Prix in figure skating 2022 in Kazan are exclusive to Okko. Watch “Idel” in the best quality and without adsHow did your passion for football start?
She was born thanks to her dad. He himself in the past himself trained at an amateur level. Once in 2013, dad watched the Russian Super Cup, where CSKA and Zenit played. It was in the kitchen, I stopped by to see what was on TV. CSKA then won with a score of 3:0. I asked my dad: “Who is the stronger of these teams?” To which he answered me: “Son, you should always root for CSKA.” In fact, I’ve been doing this ever since.Alexander Mysyakin, Spprt24— The most interesting match you managed to attend?
– I was at a home match with Zenit, when the fan tribune was burning flares, I was sitting right next to them. It was very exciting and spectacular. It was an interesting match against Rubin at the beginning of last season.– Favorite CSKA player?
– There used to be Sasha Golovin, when he was still playing in CSKA, now I still continue to support him. And if we talk about the current line-up, then this is Fedya Chalov.– In social networks, you posted photos with the famous football blogger Evgeny Savin. How did this acquaintance happen?
– By the way, just today (on the day of the interview recording) we wrote off with him, watched his release, which Vitya Kravchenko posted on his channel. And the acquaintance happened on my birthday – they organized such a gift for me. We met, he wanted to make an issue about me, I told about my career, how I started to get involved in football. We played a little, and for me it was one of the best emotions in my birthdays. I still keep in touch with him and am very glad that I was given the opportunity to get to know him.Does he follow your career?
– Sometimes he writes, supports after some competitions, but I would not say that too often, because he now has a lot of his own affairs, his own club, which is now developing in Cyprus. I support them at matches when they were still in Russia, I went to the games, more than once. In principle, I really liked the whole atmosphere of his club, the team. It’s a pity, of course, that they moved, but we still keep in touch.– Happy birthday to you Alexander Golovin.
– Zhenya Savin just helped organize this, because then Golovin was my favorite football player. Eugene wrote to Sasha, since he was already doing a release with him, said that there is such a boy, a skater, your fan, can you record a video message with congratulations to him. He agreed, gladly recorded. I promised Golovin’s T-shirt from Monaco, but, unfortunately, I did not receive the T-shirt. Maybe thanks to our interview he will remember about it (smiles).Personal archive of Daniil Samsonov– I saw you talked with the players of the Russian national team. How it was?
– Each of our summer training camps takes place in Novogorsk, we often meet the Russian team there. This year, football CSKA, for which I am a fan, held training camps there. It lasted quite a long time – they were there for almost a month. If we talk about the meeting with the Russian national team, it was 3-4 years ago. We just approached, took pictures, for us it was the first time when we see each other with such popular personalities. Then we were not so famous yet, it seemed to us that the players were real stars. This year in Novogorsk I was lucky to meet the players of CSKA. Even before the training camp, I knew that the team would be at the base, so I told my parents to prepare photos for autographs (laughs). As a result, I collected them from almost all the players. I was very glad to talk with the guys. Fedya Chalov even remembered the photo we took with him in 2018. He asked me: “Did you take a picture with me even before the World Cup?” I say yes”. Cool emotions, which I will remember later.Personal archive of Daniil Samsonov– How often did you cross paths with the players in everyday life?
– There are many buildings in Novogorsk, we lived in one, in football players – in another. Therefore, they almost did not intersect. We just watched how they trained on the field. In the last off-season, CSKA settled in the hotel where we lived for the previous two years, but we were transferred to another building for the duration of their stay, so it didn’t work out in the canteen or somewhere else to meet. Either I came to their building for autographs and waited on the first floor, or just watched them practice on the field. For example, the second training session ended, we went to the room, I always specially walked across the street to look at them.– I remember, CSKA had a friendly match with our skaters, did you catch it, did you watch it?
– No, then just Maria Shashina (group manager Eteri Tutberidze) came to our base and said that everyone can now go play football with CSKA players, but I don’t remember exactly how this information ran past me, and I don’t was able to play. But the emotions and autographs that I received will be remembered for a lifetime.– Do you play football yourself? The occupation is quite traumatic.
– Yes, I love it very much, we play with dad very often, especially in summer, when the weather allows. Plus, my brother goes with me, he also likes football, he loves to play, and we even play consoles on TV with him. Of course, I also play, but I understand that it is very traumatic, so I try to be active moderately.Alexander Mysyakin, Sport24What position do you like to play in? Strike or defend?
– To score more, it’s hard to imagine me in goal (smiles). Even in Novogorsk, we often get together with the guys after training, if the legs do not hurt, we somehow share and play. The gate, of course, there is incredibly large. I can’t imagine how goalkeepers jump in them.Who is the best skater in football?
– At one of the shows of Eteri Georgievna [Тутберидзе] played with Dima Aliyev, Vova Morozov. Daniel Markovich [Глейхенгауз] was also. Before the show, we decided to warm up a little and play football with one goal. Of course, Dima and Vova play well, they are especially distinguished by their power of impact, since they are already strong men. If we take from our group, it’s clear that our friends from Georgia, Nika Egadze and Maurice Kvitelashvili, play very well, it’s always interesting to play with them field, they are on the same level. It turns out a good, interesting fight. Especially if they are against each other. We also have Arseniy Fedotov in the group – he is generally an incredible football fan, ready at any moment. But we understand that it is very traumatic, so we are going only if we are well prepared.– This year, the media often raises the question of what is more popular – figure skating or football. What do you think?
– We have started an interesting internal season, the spectators, unlike football, can visit our competitions without any additional documents. So I would choose figure skating. It is clear that he has a big increase in popularity now, but it does not get much ahead of football. You can also highlight hockey, which is also very popular in our country. So these three sports, plus or minus, are on an equal footing.Do you want to know everything about figure skating? Subscribe to our telegram channel!Subscribe to Sport24 channel in Yandex.Zen


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