Chimera Episode 6 on KST Is Coming

K-Drama Chimera Episode 6 on KST Is Coming On 14 November Or Not?

The very famous K- Drama camera follows the story of an explosion that took place in the past. Following the explosion serial murders took place known as the Chimera case. When everybody thought that the explosions and the murders were over 35 years later a seminar explosion takes place out of nowhere.

This drama has gained huge popularity among the masses. It follows the story of Cha Jae-Hwan who is a very curious and enthusiastic detective very dedicated to all of his cases. It also follows the story of Eugene who was adopted by her parents in the United States she worked for the FBI but currently, she works as a criminal profiler.

Lee Joong-YeopHas a similar story who was adopted by his parents in England became a surgeon and then return to South Korea but only to get involved in a case to be followed by our detective. All three of them are brought together to work to solve the Chimera case.

While in hindsight their motive appears to be the same, however, all three of them have their own reasons to find out the truth of this case. The story becomes more interesting as it unfolds. Each character has his own back story which makes the viewers wonder and sympathize with them.

Episode six release date and spoilers

Now that episode 6 is on its way the next episode is going to be very crucial the investigation unit will try to find out the killer Who is behind the explosions. Jae HwanAfter getting kicked out of the investigation unit will try to find a way to resolve the differences. The police station will appear to be in a full state of chaos as the last episode showed.

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Episode 6 will be released on November 14, 2021, at 10:30 p.m. K.S.T.We can only expect this episode to be a blockbuster hit among the audiences as this whole series has managed to gain a fan base.

In the previous episode, we saw people protesting outside Seoryan for getting compensation for the members who lost their lives because of the product evergreen that their company manufactured. The supporters and protestors will definitely ask for further investigation. It will be fun to see if they will be able to bring a change. The company, on the other hand, will try to defend themselves in order to avoid the consequences they will try to prove the illness was not caused by the product at all it will be a power play and will be fun to watch who eventually wins it.

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