Graphic Novel addresses the difficult childhood of writer George Orwell

The events, dilemmas, frustrations and violence responsible for shaping the positions and political beliefs of George Orwell, author of literary classics such as 1984 and The Animal Revolution, gain evidence in Tupiniquin lands with the launch of the Graphic Novel Tantas, Tantas Eram as Alegrias , by the Minotauro label of Almedina Brasil publishing house.George Orwell’s main works, Animal Revolution and 1984 have in common the criticism of authoritarian regimes. But living with violence and arbitrariness dates from the beginning of the writer’s life. The graphic novel Tantas, Tantas Eram as Alegrias, an adaptation of the homonymous tale, tells a little about that past and arrives in Brazil by Almedina Brasil. faced by him in a boarding school for children of high-class citizens of English society. Beatings with lashes as punishment for wetting the bed and the constant reminder from classmates that he was the “poor and scholarship” boy in the class are some of the illustrated episodes. Inspired by The Echoing Green, song by poet William Blake, the title of The book has a completely ironic appeal, since the memories presented can provoke in the reader feelings such as indignation, fury and revolt, but little or no joy. the worldviews of rich and poor, in addition to exposing the discomforts caused by class conflicts that last until today.So Many, So Many Were the Joys (Graphic Novel), by George Orwell, adapted by Sean Michael Wilson and illustrated by Jaime Huxtable. Price: R$ 59.00 Orwell’s text was adapted into a Graphic Novel format by comic book writer Sean Michael Wilson. Want to stay on top of the world of celebrities and receive the news straight to your Telegram? Enter the Metrópoles channel and follow the editors on Instagram.

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